
Sunday, August 3, 2014


St Louis is run in collaboration with the University of Buea,  the Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry of Public Health Yaounde.
 St Louis University Institute of Health and Biomedical Sciences, also referred to as St Louis Higher Institute of Health and Biomedical sciences in some documents or simply St LOUIS, is the reference for excellence and technological transfer in Cameroon. That is what the Minister of Higher Education says.
  Your life starts with a dream, a desire and a passion for success. St Louis is the path to making that dream a reality. At St Louis, we insist on quality and character formation. We are strict. If you do not like military styled discipline, do not come to us. We are particular about examinations ethics as we mold honest Cameroonians.

  St Louis is grounded in professional education. We teach and train our youths to become useful and productive as nation builders. We believe that proper grounding in theory and practical work are essential for the new Cameroonian of today. Vision 2035 starts today with proper technological and skills training.
Attitude makes all the difference and we pay a greater part of our attention to building the characters of youth to reflect love, service, empathy and altruism. Civility is the keyword.
 Our products are creative, innovative, love to work in a team and fit into leadership positions at all times, because working in a team and being tolerant and understanding others is something they have mastered. They seek to understand others before making their point. Dealing with others in a win-win arrangement is something they grow to cherish, live and teach.
 Our products are responsible and accountable. They develop a sound sense of imagination, courage and are proactive. They make judgments based on informed choices. They are problem solvers and are above all good planners with a keen sense of time use.
  This is what we do at St Louis to get the products that are cherished the world over. Your son and daughter are in the right place and at the right time doing the right thing for the right reasons when they study at St Louis. That is success in a package.

 Employment By The Cameroon Government.
 Recruited 247 St Louis graduates into the Ministry of Pubic Health in 2009.
For the 25.000 job offer, 307 of our products were employed.
There was a recent recruitment in 2014. 97 of those employed were St Louis products. Of these 75 were diploma students and 22 were nurses with the bachelor degree. The ministry wanted 100 students at the bachelor level. 40 were selected nationally and out of these 22 came from St Louis.
Employment By The Private Sector.
 Recruitment by the Catholic Mission… Many. See the Njinikom Catholic Hospital, St Mary Solidad and many others.
 The Presbyterian Mission Health Board
Private sector like the Muna Foundation Clinic in Bonanjo etc.

Many have been employed abroad in the USA, Canada, Germany, Dubai etc.

  In the first year of existence, St Louis admitted 12 students. Today, the current student population in level100-level400 for 2014 is 1236 students.
  Level100= 381, level200= 415, level 300= 298, level 400 = 142.
They are divided into the seven departments in these numbers: Midwifery = 69, Dentistry = 110, Physiotherapy = 131, Medical Imaging (radiology and echography) = 85, Pharmacy = 123, Medical Lab Science = 165, Nursing = 553 students.
 The number of females is slightly more than males. The ratio of Anglophones to Francophones is close to 50:50. However, there are more Anglophones in Nursing and Medical Laboratory Technology. Francophones are over represented in Dentistry and Physiotherapy.
 So far 3,181 students have registered in St Louis at the diploma level. 321 have registered at the Bachelor level.
 The Ministry of Higher Education and Public Health Yaounde as well as the University of Buea give us a very high rating amongst our peers.
 We do not lead people, we do not push either. We help you walk the path that matches your purpose for living. We discover your passion with you while helping you to trust yourself and others as we make you to understand the value of work that is well done. We encourage honesty, self discipline, prayer, the respect of our environment and the cherished win-win mentality in all human deals.
 In Cameroon, we have enough for every ones need but not enough for our collective greed. St Louis is here to bless. We are the measure of professionalism and are thus agents of change, growth and transformation. Character is of the essence.
 We thank all those hospitals and clinics nationwide who have been helping us with practical training on the field. We are also grateful to the Minister of Public Health , Higher Education and the University of Buea for their support as they monitor the training and also employ our products.

 As from this Academic year 2014-2015, the System Engineer and IT guru Rindah Charles Luanga Ngwanyam will add something new in our training. He is a budding inspirational speaker, mentor and icon for youths and he shall specifically teach all the students the Success Principles expounded by Stephen Covey in ‘The 7 HABITS of HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE” and ‘FIRST THINGS FIRST” by the same author. See Appendix D.

Higher Professional Diploma = HPD= DSEP. (PHASE ONE.)
We train ‘A’ Level or BACC holders for three years at diploma level in seven disciplines. These are:
A)      Nursing,
B)      Midwifery,
C)      Physiotherapy,
D)      Pharmacy Technology,
E)      Medical Lab Sciences,
F)      Dental Therapy,
G)     Radiology and Ultra-sonography.

We strongly recommend midwifery for many of you seeking a profession. There is a huge shortage in Cameroon in this field and the opportunities to work with the government in this area are enormous.
  B)      OUR DEGREE PROGRAMS : (PHASE TWO) B TECH. ( Bachelor Technology).
You must have a diploma to be admitted in this course for one academic year. Admission requirements are HPD, HND or DSEP. If you have the  SRN or any other diploma from the Ministry of Health, you will be admitted in the 3rd year of the HPD program. You will get the HPD and then qualify to be admitted for the one year degree program.
 1.       Nursing,
2.       Medical Imaging Or Radiology,
3.       Physiotherapy,
4.       Dentistry,
5.       Medical Laboratory Sciences.
 Degree programs in Midwifery and Pharmacy are to come later.
 ·         FEES ……………………………….                        350,000frs
·         Internship payments to receiving hospitals              20,000frs
·         Research supervision……………………………….. 15.000frs
·         Research Presentation fees and logistics………… 15.000frs
·         Research.. filed work, analysis and compilation… by the student.
·         Registration University of  Buea …                          50.000frs
·         Examination fees……………………………………  50.000frs
·         1nsurance with Zenithe company…………………    1,000frs
·         School batch………………………………………      2,000frs
·         Student union dues…………………………………    2,000frs
·         Pink  shirt for boys and girls………………………    5,000frs
·         black Tie…………………………………………        2,000frs
·         White lab coat………………………………………   6.500frs
·         Special uniform for female nurses………………… 10.500frs
·         Laboratory fees for all except nurses……………   20.000frs
·         Special St Louis Tee Shirt……………………   …..2.500frs
·         Shisong Cardiac Centre contribution ( Charity)…..1.000frs
 FEES 350,000FRS YEARLY FOR 1ST 2nd and 3rd years.
  Paid in one or two installments. The first is not less than 50 percent. Second installment must be in lasted 31st of March.
   50.000frs Intranet Fees.
some relevant photocopied material would given free of charge. The type and numbers given to each student depend on school authorities and cannot be questioned. There is no uniformity. Students are encouraged to augment these with private books. This is for first year students. It is not an obligation to collect them.
Hand in 2 realms of paper A4 size to the bursar. NOT MONEY. 1st year.
2,000 frs for progress report card. 1st year.
3,500frs for the international student ID card. 1st year.
2,000frs for student union dues yearly. All years.
1,000frs for insurance with Zenithe Insurance company. ALL STUDENTS. PAY THIS YEARLY.
10.000 frs for school track suit. 1st year.
5,000frs for practical fees on the field/practice session, 1st and 3rd year..
Field practical (stage) fees is 10,000frs for students in 2nd year.
8,000frs Sphygmomanometer and stethoscope. All 1st year.
500frs thermometer. 1st year.
Theatre wear for all Nurses and midwives – trousers, jumper: 10,000frs
Theatre cap and mask 1,500 frs Nurses and midwives.
Red tie for technicians and all males……………………….. 2,000frs
Special St Louis Tee Shirt……………………   ……………..2.500frs
PRACTICAL FEES FOR HPD STUDENTS 10.000FRS FOR THOSE IN dentistry, radiology, medical laboratory sciences. This amount is paid by level 200 and 300 students.
Shisong Cardiac Centre contribution 1st  year     ( Charity)…..1.000fr
We do not have internet connectivity yet. Would be sorted out by a provider
4th and 1st and  year students would be given a 2 gig flash stick for intranet use.

 Correction of internship reports:
1st Year… no charge, nop report
2nd year… 2 reports x 5000frs = 10.000frs
3rd year… 1 report = 5000frs.

 THESES 3RD YEARS ( 20.000frs)
Jury………………………… 5.000frs
Support for some logistics at presentation…5.000frs
Other needs……………….5.000frs
 All students are encouraged to have individual laptops. The school finds it hard to provide computers for student use because of misuse and abuse of the said equipment.
 Fees proper shall be collected only when the above mentioned items have been paid for.
NOTE: For students under the Ministry of Health ticket, all fees and money dues must be paid in by the 10th of March.

Students who come in under the Ministry of Health do so via a ‘concour’ or competitive examination.
Their fees  ( tuition) are three hundred thousand francs a year (300.000frs/yr).
However, they pay a 50.000frs equipment maintenance fee yearly. The other financial requirements and obligations are the same like for the others in the diploma course.
 Money paid in is not refundable.
 This will be a shared cost between the school and students who wish to participate in such a graduation which is not obligatory. The rentals for the graduation gowns are separate. The caution money for the gown is usually refunded when the material is returned intact without blemish.
 We are putting up some ebooks, lecture notes, power-point, practical illustrations and a lot more on this facility.
 There would be some journals, research papers, youTube material Ted Talks and some video lectures of some capital relevance for the growth of the students.
There would also be material that would beef up the student’s extra curricula activities, mindset building, business, leadership, management, spiritual growth and counseling info at the press of a button.

 Take note that you can be admitted directly without a ‘concour’ or through a ‘concour’ as you wish. A ‘concour’ gives you no particular advantage .
  All arts students can only study NURSING or MIDWIFERY. Science students can enroll in any of the seven fields and would be admitted even if they have just 2 points at the GCE ‘A’ Level. We do not admit Arts students with  3 points at the GCE ‘A’ Levels. We would consider those with 3 points if these include Economics and Geography.
Students who do not pass our examinations as required at the end of the year would be advised to discontinue.
  Photocopies of ‘A’ Levels or BACC certificates; birth certificate, 2 passport sized photograpghs, 5000frs, fill our form.
 Transcripts and attestations ( TO SCHOOLS ONLY).  When necessary are sent directly via express mail services Students and their families at no time are allowed to have access to transcripts and attestations. These services are paid for. Preparation of HPD transcript costs 5,000frs. Postage in Cameroon costs 3000frs). Postage abroad costs 40,000frs.
 There have been lots of attempts at people producing fake papers and claiming to be from St Louis. These measures have been put in place to overcome some of these human difficulties.
 You can pay fees and other finances due into any of these bank accounts anywhere in the country and provide us with the receipts for crosschecking.
 Account Name: St Louis University Institute
 1.       Ecobank Bamenda: 0200222617832001
 2.       National Financial Credit Bamenda(NFC) 17301020785 10
 Scholarships at St. Louis  were instituted in the  2008/2009 academic year. The scholarships were implemented to last for 10 academic years, implying that the last batch of scholars shall be admitted in the academic year 2017/2018.
 You must have at least 5 points in the sciences.
·        The Donga Mantung students’ scholarship of 50% of fees.
·        The Bishop Cornelius Esua scholarship of 100% on tuition fee.
·        The Akwi Memorial Foundation scholarship 50% on tuition fee.
·        Cameroon National Youth Council (CNYC sourced scholarships from us for the borrorro communities in Cameroon). Cover 50% of fees. This program will continue for five years. It is mostly for the borrorro girl. This was introduced in 2012-2013.
·        Special fees considerations (to pay only a fraction of tuition fee)
Total scholarships offered stand at 85,200,000FCFA  in 2014
There are no scholarships provided by St Louis to students studying Nursing and Midwifery.

 Uniforms: lab coat from school tailor or special nurse’s uniform supplied by the school tailor.
Black trousers, white shirts, (bring these with you).
Black, cover shoes, well polished at all times. MUST WEAR SOCKS AT ALL TIMES (BOYS).
  Bachelor students wear the same uniform. They use a pink shirt with a logo from the school. They will also pay for a white lab coat to be provided by the school tailor. Should bring along a black tie. Female nurses have a special uniform.

 You will make arrangements for your own personal internship needs and expenses. Your accommodation, feeding and health is a private issue you must handle. Bring your personal computer. You will buy your own books.
 We make arrangements for student internship in the North West Region with receiving hospitals. Students who have connections with other health institutions out of the North West are free to make private negotiations for practical work in such hospitals.

 L’institut universitaire de la santé et des sciences biomédicales ST LOUIS, également dénommé Institut Supérieur de la Santé et des sciences biomédicales ou simplement ST LOUIS, est la référence pour l’excellence et le transfert de technologie au Cameroun. Nous traçons la voie et déterminons les limites. Les autres suivent.
 Votre vie, votre avenir, aller à la lune, être efficace et utile pour votre communauté est un mode de vie, un état d’esprit.
 « Tout commence par un rêve. Si vous y ajoutez  de la foi, cela devient une croyance. Ajoutez- y de l’action et cela devient un objectif à atteindre. Ajoutez-y de la patience et du temps et le rêve devient réalité.»   Auteur inconnu.
 «Si nous reconnaissons nos talents et les utilisons à bon escient, si nous choisissons un domaine qui les mette en valeur, nous allons atteindre le sommet de ce domaine.» (Ben Carson)
 « La question de savoir d’où nous venons et ce à quoi nous ressemblons est inappropriée. Si nous reconnaissons nos capacités, si nous sommes prêts à apprendre et à utiliser ce que nous savons pour aider les autres, nous aurons toujours une place dans le monde.»
 Ben Carson : ‘Think Big’. Libérer votre potentiel pour l’excellence.
« Je suis convaincu que la connaissance est un pouvoir–pour surmonter le passé, changer nos propres situations, lutter contre de nouveaux obstacles, prendre de meilleures décisions.»
 Ben Carson : ‘Think Big’. Libérer votre potentiel pour l’excellence.

Notre établissement est construit et géré selon la parole de Dieu. L’amour est notre maître mot. Nous sommes enracinés comme un arbre sur la parole de Dieu. Nous craignons Dieu et demeurons en sa présence. C’est la source de notre force, notre croissance, notre confiance ; notre courage et notre audace s’abreuvent dans la parole et l’action. Nous vivons simplement la parole.


Professionnalisme, éducation de qualité, formation du caractère, responsabilité et renforcement des capacités  sont les qualités que votre fils ou fille obtiendra à ST LOUIS. Nous vous remercions de nous faire confiance et de faire partie de l’équipe gagnante.
  A ST LOUIS les enseignements sont de haute facture. C’est pourquoi nos produits défient toute concurrence. Nous sommes bien équipés et nos laboratoires sont parmi les meilleurs  du pays. Notre personnel est hautement qualifié, engagé, dévoué et motivé. Nous utilisons la sonorisation et les projecteurs dans les amphithéâtres et les cours sont dispensés sous forme de présentation grâce à Power Point.
 Nos programmes d’étude sont construits suivant le système de crédit et reflètent ce qui se passe sur la scène internationale.  Dans nos programmes de soins infirmiers, nous mettons un accent particulier sur la psychologie, la psychiatrie, la thérapeutique, les sciences de base et les travaux pratiques. Nous insistons sur le code de bonne conduite, l’éthique et la déontologie. Les étudiants reçoivent les informations sur la vie et l’état d’esprit d’entreprise.
 Les étudiants de ST LOUIS savent que l’indépendance ou la liberté sont fille d’un travail acharné qui se décline en discipline, honnêteté intellectuelle, prière, respect de la nature et responsabilité. Ils savent dire «oui»  ou « non » quand c’est nécessaire. N’essayez surtout pas de les pousser à faire du mal car ils sont pro-vie.
 Ils se fixent des objectifs simples, réalistes et réalisables. Ils puisent habituellement au tréfonds d’eux-mêmes pour rendre service aux autres.
 Donner et servir est essentiel à leur bonheur et à leur existence. Ce qu’ils font est mesurable et limité dans le temps. Le temps est quelque chose que nous devons apprendre à gérer au Cameroun. Nos étudiants savent comment utiliser l’analyse SWOT dans la compréhension des problèmes et la recherche des solutions utiles.
 Nous les aidons à utiliser le SYSTÈME DE LA PENSEE dans la vie.
ST-LOUIS est ancré dans l’enseignement  professionnel dans lequel nous préparons et formons les jeunes à devenir utiles, productifs et bâtisseurs de la nation.

 Diplôme professionnel supérieur=HPD=DSEP
Nous formons les détenteurs du GCE ‘A’ level et du BACC pendant trois ans dans les sept filières suivantes.
A-      Soins infirmiers
B-      Sages-femmes
C-      Physiothérapie
D-      Technologie pharmaceutique
E-      Techniques de laboratoire
F-      Dentothérapie
G-     Radiologie ou imagerie médicale

 1-       Soins infirmiers
2-       Imagerie médicale ou radiologie
3-       Physiothérapie
4-       Dentothérapie
5-       Technique de laboratoire
 Les étudiants sages-femmes seront admis en licence professionnelle en 2015.
Les premières licences seront obtenues un an après les formations diplômantes.
Les pourparlers sont en cours avec des universités étrangères et des entreprises pharmaceutiques pour le démarrage d’un cours intensif de pharmacie  productive à ST-LOUIS. La formation durera 6 ans.


Nos statistiques pour l’année 2013-2014 indiquent 1.194  étudiants en HPD (Diplôme professionnel supérieur) et 142 en Licence professionnelle.

 Nos étudiants travaillent pour la mission catholique, la mission  presbytérienne et pour de nombreux organismes privés tels que la Clinique Muna à Douala.
Le gouvernement camerounais a recruté 247 d’entre eux en2009 et une bonne fourchette dans les 25000 de 2012. D’autres encore se trouvent dans le monde entier où ils font notre fierté.
Vous trouverez des renseignements sur nous aux ministères de la santé publique, de l’enseignement supérieur ou auprès de notre mentor de l’Université de Buea.
 Ce qui nous rend spécial c’est la discipline dans laquelle nos étudiants sont moulés. C’est d’ailleurs cette marque particulière qui fait la différence entre les produits de ST LOUIS et ceux du reste du monde. Le savoir-faire technique et le soutien théorique sont solides.

Qu’est-ce qui pourrait aller plus loin que l’imagination?



1. I am a nurse. Will I be able to work in the United States?
3. Can I work in the United States if I am not from Canada or Mexico?
4. If I do not fit within any of these classifications, is there any other way to work in the United States?
2. How can I immigrate as a nurse to the United States?
3. What are the academic or licensure requirements to immigrate to the United States?
5. How do I begin the permanent residence process?
·         We are working to create many partnerships and bridges which will allow our St Louis students to follow this path easily to the USA and work or study.
 ·         This opportunity is available ONLY to students who have studied and finished the fourth year at St Louis. It is the only way we can guarantee the quality, aptitude and attitudes of the nurses we send abroad. They have to be true ambassadors of our institution and of Cameroon.
·         It is our wish that we can train and send many qualified nurses to the USA, as we take advantage of the many youths we have on our streets.  The growing lack of nurses in the USA, the desire of the youths to train and the understanding that God makes a way where there is no way for those who trust in HIM.
·         St Louis cares about youths and their problems. Getting jobs for them, getting them responsible and starting families is our pride and greatest concerns. 


From the internet
 Subject: [Africanhero] The Six Keys to Success" - ADVICE
  I encourage you to memorize these six keys
by using the word ADVICE to do so.
 1.    Attitude
Bloom where you are planted. You have a choice to get back up after temporary set-backs. Attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference!
2.    Direction
If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. Write your short term goals down on paper. I have discovered and continue to discover that putting your dreams and goals down on paper lock in or focus your belief that they can be achieved--even if you have to take a course correction in achieving your goals. Success comes in cans, failure comes in can'ts.
3.    Values
Explore what is important to you. Maybe it is family, friends, your spirituality or working hard at any given task. I can assure you that your priorities will change as you grow older. Very important that you value yourself and treat yourself like the valuable gift from God that you are.
4.    Interests
Birds of a feather flock together. This is to say that if you are hanging around winners or others with a "can do" mind-set, you'll likely adapt to this same kind of thinking. Remember--"SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES!
5.    Commitment
Feelings may change, commitments do not. "Success is getting up one more time than you fall." I have often wanted to give up, and then I must think to myself about what the consequences of giving up will be. Generally, this is more than enough of a motivation to make us stick to the task at hand even if we don't feel like it. When the task is achieved, Whow!--IT FEELS GREAT!
Be an encourager and comforter to friends that are feeling discouraged. I promise that you will not regret this as you will be encouraged by one, if not many, when you are feeling down. Encouragement and love are contagious qualities that can change the minds of the most stubborn and "hard-to-get-along-with" people you know. I have seen it happen over and over again.
Courtesy:Brian G. Jett



In the second semester, you shall write a 2 page typed essay on ‘WHO ARE YOU’. You shall follow this format…..
Part One
Essay A:
What matters most to you, and why?
Essay B: What are your aspirations? How will your education at St Louis help you achieve them?
Essay C: Tell us about a time when you empowered others.
Essay D: Tell us about a time when you tried to reach a goal or complete a task that was challenging, difficult, or frustrating.

Part Two write these other answers in one page. I NEED THREE PAGES FROM YOU FOR PART ONE AND TWO.

  1.       What do you understand by these words below?
 2.       How do they refer to you and in what way do they apply to your past, present and future?
 3.       How would you relate these ideas to our youths and the nation as concerns our growth, development and emergence by 2035?

Excellence? Ignorance? Irresponsibility? Patriotism?

Just reflect on these issues below.
What does it mean to work according to God’s plan for your life?
Who decides whether you should succeed or not?
Can an orphan succeed? Why? H

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)


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MBAKO said...

Enter your comment...i am a degree holder in biochemistry and wish to switch to pharmacy , is it possible that I can be admitted into the 3rd year