
Friday, June 30, 2017

Checkout 5 Things You Should Never Post on Social Media

If you have been thinking of going for holidays anytime soon, you should take note of certain things which you are not supposed to post on social media for all to see.

File photo: People on vacation
The holidays represent a time to relax and keep off from work. It is also a time to catch up with friends and family. Are there limits to what we should post on the social media during the holidays?
1. Photos of others without checking first
Although you might want to share the memories of your family event with others, check first with others in the photo before tagging them or even posting the picture. Some adults don't want their lives made public while some parents prefer not to post pictures of their children online or prefer to monitor which photos are posted online. Respect their choice.
If someone knows the picture will be posted online and made public, they may choose to opt out and take a private photo with you later.
Remember that the only person you truly have permission to share a photo of is yourself.
2. The gift you didn't like
This is a big NO. It is a season of gratitude and it will do well if you appreciate the gifts from family and friends. Well, if you don’t like the gift, the social media is not a good place for you to express your reservation. Do not post petty comments about gifts you didn't like. Those types of comments, even if you don't name names, can be very hurtful.
3. Anything that puts down other religions
This is self-explanatory enough. The holiday is not a time to criticize other religions. It is a moment of celebration, so, catch the fun and leave out derogatory comment about others and their religions.
4. The drama within your family
Social media is not a place to resolve family conflict. In fact, social media could create more conflict or hurt feelings. It may create a divide among other family members or friends who know your family members. It may also ruin an enjoyable family event since a majority of your other family is also on social media.
All families have secrets and you're bound to not like every single person you're related to. But if you want to bash your cousin or reveal some drama about an estranged great aunt, social media is not the ideal place.
5. Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see
This is KEY.  We have become so comfortable with the internet that we often forget that the whole world has access to our posts.
Even if you keep your profiles on strict lock down and have privacy settings, friends-of-friends could still see—and possibly say—something to your employer. Learning to censor yourself when you've had a bit too much of that mulled wine or want to declare your resolution is to get a better job is a smart move.
You may want to be a viral social media superstar, but do you really want to end up there because your photo was captured while you were in a drunken stupor?
Via Daily Trust

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Jay Z Apologises for Cheating on Beyonce in New Album

In his latest released album, popular American rapper, Jay Z has publicly apologised to his wife for cheating on her.

Rapper Jay Z and Beyonce
Rapper Jay Z let his music do the talking with his new album "4:44" on Friday as he addressed cheating on his wife Beyonce, the birth of his twins and this year's Oscars best picture.
In the title track, Jay Z admitted in his lyrics that he "often womanize", more than a year after R&B star Beyonce first shed light on his infidelities in her album "Lemonade".
Jay Z pens a remorseful ode to his fractured marriage in "4:44", rapping that it "took for my child to be born, see through a woman's eyes" in reference to the couple's daughter Blue Ivy.
He also mentioned their twins, who were reported to have been born this month but whose arrival has yet to be officially confirmed, saying it "took for these natural twins to believe in miracles, took me too long for this song, I don't deserve you".
Jay Z added: "What good is a menage a trois when you have a soul mate? You risked that for Blue? ... my heart breaks for the day I had to explain my mistakes."
Fans were left stunned last year when Beyonce made accusations in "Lemonade" that Jay Z had cheated on her, a rare crack in the seemingly perfect facade of one of music's highest-profile couples.
In her song "Sorry", Beyonce referred to a mystery woman, calling her "Becky with the good hair", which is echoed in Jay Z's track "Family Feud", a duet with Beyonce in which he raps "Let me alone Becky".
"4:44" was released exclusively on premium music streaming platform Tidal, founded by Jay Z, in partnership with U.S. wireless carrier Sprint Corp, which purchased a 33 percent stake in Tidal this year and made the album available via a six-month Tidal subscription to Sprint mobile customers.
It can also be heard throughout Friday across 160 U.S. radio stations on iHeartRadio, the digital music service for a network of traditional radio stations.
The 35-minute album features Blue Ivy on the track "Legacy", in which the five-year-old asks "Daddy, what's a will?" as the rapper expresses hope that his children use their wealth to promote "black excellence".
In "Moonlight", Jay Z tackles the impact of the film "La La Land" being named best picture at this year's Oscars while in "The Story of O.J.", the rapper explores black identity in America.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

I Have a Thick Rounded Booty - Yemi Alade Brags on Social Media

Some fans on social media trying to body-shame Yemi Alade have been severely cautioned by the actress against careless utterances.
Nigerian musician, Yemi Alade is not taking any unnecessary criticisms about her body structure as she has quickly schooled a fan.
After sharing pictures on instagram which showed off her hot thighs, a fan then told her she's adding weight, and she promptly responded to him.
"So sorry dear, It is obvious you can't tell the difference between a thick rounded buudy and "mere weight" the singer rumoured to be dating her manager boasted.
See more photos that confirm Aunty Yemi might be right about her "rounded booty":

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Revealed: Mercy Johnson live with her husband for 2 years before they eventually got married.

It has been revealed that popular Nigerian actress, Mercy Johnson live with her husband for 2 years before they eventually got married.
Mercy Johnson and husband Prince Okojie
Mercy Johnson’s husband, Prince Okojie, has revealed that before he married the actress, they lived together under the same roof for about 2 years. Mercy's husband revealed this in a recent interview with New Telegraph saying that nothing else can break their home.
He said: “Prior to our marriage, I’d known my wife for three years; we actually met in 2008. We started living together in 2009 and we got married in 2011. It’s been God all the way, there’s no miracle or anything much, it’s just been God.
"With marriage break-ups and celebrity dramas, I think it depends on what one wants. For me, when I met my wife, I knew she was the one for me. The love, the affection and the tender care are all present, and although we might have some misunderstanding but when we sleep over it, we move on.
“And as a result of this, we don’t quarrel often. When we do, we learn from it and move to the next level. I have a very big house, my wife has a very big room and so do I, but she has never spent the night in her room for one day.
"Sometimes when I tease her and say ‘go to your room’, she tells me ‘this is our room not your room’ and so most times we are always together.
"I have never experienced anything like this, my marriage to her is so sweet and I’m enjoying it to the fullest. Like I said, I won’t give the kudos to man but to God Almighty who has kept us in happiness, in peace and in harmony.”#mercyjohnson."

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Checkout The Cancer Symptoms You Must Never Ignore At All

Cancer is a killer disease that has destroyed many lives over the years, however some people are still unaware of the signs they should look out for.

When it comes to aches, pains, and other health problems, just because something seems minor doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take it seriously. In fact, research finds that even common ailments can actually be the first warning signs of cancer. In a survey of 1,729 adults over the age of 50 in the UK published in PLOS ONE, respondents evaluated how serious they perceived a list of 17 ailments—10 of which were actually markers of cancer.
They also indicated whether they’d experienced any of these symptoms recently and, if so, how they actually handled it.Turns out, many people aren’t paying as much attention to warning signs as they could be, says study author Katriina Whitaker, a senior research fellow at University College London. “Some people don’t think they [the symptoms] are serious, and cancer does not leap to mind.”
While for the vast majority, “these warning signs will not indicate cancer,” Whitaker says.
1. Lumps or bumps
It’s best to have any strange lumps checked out by a doctor. In the survey, 7.5 per cent  of people reported an unexplained lump. While 67 per cent did contact their doctors, 77 per cent didn’t think it could be a sign of something more serious.
2. Cough or hoarseness
It’s cold and flu season, so coughing can feel like a given. However, if your cough persists, it could indicate laryngeal, lung, or thyroid cancer or lymphoma. This was the most common symptom among survey participants. “We know coughs and colds are everywhere at the moment, and we’re not suggesting everyone with a cough goes to their doctor,” Whitaker said. “But if you have a symptom that doesn’t go away or is unusual, don’t be afraid to go to your doctor for advice.”
3. Change in bowel habits
In Whitaker’s study, 18 per cent of people had experienced changes in the timing, amount, or size of their bowel movements. While these disruptions are usually caused by certain foods or medication, if you notice it happens regularly over time, it could also be a sign of colon cancer.
4. Bleeding
Coughing up blood can signal lung cancer; blood in the stool could be a sign of colon or rectal cancer. Women who experience unexplained vaginal bleeding should be checked for cervical or endometrial cancer. A bloody discharge from the nipple can signal breast cancer, while blood in the urine can mean you have bladder or kidney cancer. Unusual bleeding can occur during any phase of cancer and warrants a visit to your doctor.
5. A long-lasting sore throat
A sore throat may be just another winter woe, but a persistent one could point to something more severe, such as laryngeal cancer or throat cancer. Of those surveyed, nearly 78 per cent  didn’t think throat woes were serious.
6. Unexplained pain
Persistent pain is your body’s way of signaling a problem, and that could be anything from nothing…to bone cancer or ovarian cancer. The American Cancer Society says that pain from cancer typically means it has spread—a good reason not to be a stoic and to make an appointment with your physician. One striking finding from Whitaker’s survey: Only about 40 per cent of people in the study were concerned that pain could be a serious issue.
7. Variation in bladder activity
Because urinary tract infections are common in women, this symptom is often disregarded as just another UTI. But whether you’re male or female, if you notice blood in your urine, experience sudden urgency, or feel pain while going, definitely bring it up with your doctor to rule out cancers of the bladder, kidney, or prostate.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Anglophone Crisis: Trial of Detained Consortium Leaders, 25 Others Adjourned

 The military court in Yaounde has adjourned the trial of the detained Consortium leaders and other detainees arrested in relation to the ongoing crisis in the two English speaking regions of Cameroon . According to CRTV reports the trail has been adjourned to Thursday 27th July 2017.
Photo de: Anglophone Crisis: case adjourned to July 27
Detained leaders
The adjournment, according to the Presiding Judge, Justice Colonel Mbezoa Abega Eko Eko was due to the absence one of the court assessors.
All the accused, Barrister Felix Nkongho Agbor Balla,Dr Fontem Neba, Bibixy Mancho and twenty-five other detainees associated with the social unrest in the North West and the South West regions were present in court.
It should be recalled that this was the fourth outing since these detainees were incarcerated at the Yaounde Central Prison in the month of January 2017. Present to witness the deliberations was Honourable Joseph Wirba, the MP for Jakiri Special Constituency .

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Fake News Saga: CRTV's Director of TV Information, Tv Editor-In-Chief Sanctioned by BOD

The Director of TV Information at CRTV, Adele Mbala  has been sanctioned for broadcasting fake news on state television. The decision to replace her was reached at during during an extraordinary session of the Board of Directors which took place last June 29, 2017 in Yaoundé. She has been replaced by Jean Atangana. It is said Adele Mbala on May 15, 2017 read the names of of some personalities that we appointed by French President Emmanuel Macron which sparked controversy worldwide given that Macron was yet to appoint members of his government. Apparently, Jean Marie Nka’a, the television’s Editor-In-Chief who was equally present on the day the news was read has also been replaced reports say.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Germany Approves Same-sex Marriage

Two woman hold a placard reading "Love wins in Germany" as they celebrate outside the chancellery the approval of same-sex marriage by the German parliament Friday in Berlin. Photo by Felipe Trueba/EPA 
June 30 (UPI) -- The German parliament on Friday passed legislation legalizing same-sex marriage after Chancellor Angela Merkel, who voted against the measure, encouraged her party to vote their conscience.
Members of Germany's Bundestag voted 393-226 to pass the bill, and four people abstained.
Merkel voted no, saying "For me marriage as defined by the law is the marriage of a man and a woman." But she encouraged her conservative Christian Democratic Party -- which has long opposed same-sex marriage -- to take up the measure as a "question of conscience." She said hoped a vote in favor would bring about "more social peace."
Merkel also said she believes same-sex couples should be able to adopt children.
The chancellor's recent comments on the topic spurred the last-minute vote in parliament before its summer break.
Germany becomes the 14th European country to approve same-sex marriage, the first of which was the Netherlands in 2001. Austria, the Czech Republic and Italy have not OK'd same-sex marriage, but do allow civil partnerships

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Modified U.S. Travel Ban Goes into Effect with another Court Challenge

Attorneys camp out at Los Angeles International Airport to assist travelers from Muslim countries at Tom Bradley International Terminal in Los Angeles on Thursday. A limited version of President Donald Trump's executive order regulating immigration went into effect on Thursday. Photo by Jim Ruymen/UPI/| License Photo
June 30 (UPI) -- A modified executive order banning people from certain countries from traveling to the United States has gone into effect as opponents filed an emergency court order.
The limited version of an order temporarily banning travel from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, all Muslim-majority countries, was implemented at 8 p.m. Thursday.
Senior administration officials expected that the ban would go smoothly and without the chaos and protests that greeted the original travel ban earlier this year, The Washington Post said. Advocates and immigration lawyers were at airports on the U.S. East and West coasts nonetheless to observe the execution of the order and to offer help. There were minimal reports of problems at U.S. airports.
The U.S. Supreme Court said Monday it will review appeals against President Donald Trump's temporary restrictions, although portions of the executive order could go into effect in the meantime.
The Supreme Court ruled that close family members and those with a demonstrable reason to be in the United States, such as a provable job opportunity or admission to a U.S. school, can enter the country. The Trump administration interpreted the ruling to mean that certain relationships do not qualify for entry, including: grandparents, grandchildren, uncles, aunts, cousins and fiancées to enter; sons-in-law, daughters-in-law and stepchildren. Advocates and lawyers criticized the family list as capricious.
Lawyers for the state of Hawaii filed an emergency motion against it in federal court in Hawaii less than 1 hour prior to the start of the ban. It argued that the list of relatives should be expanded and that the government should not forbid entry to refuges "who already have a documented agreement with a local sponsor and a place to live."
The State Department on Wednesday sent a long set of instructions to U.S. diplomatic posts around the world advising them of new rules and procedures for entry to the United States.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

New Generals Promoted in the Military, Gendarmerie

 The President of the Republic, Paul Biya, on Thursday 29 June 2017,signed a number of decrees appointing new generals in the military and Gendarme forces. Eleven colonels were raised to the ranks of brigadier general while six others have been admitted into the second section within the army.. Precisely, they are six colonels of the gendarmerie, four of the army and one of the air force.

The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) has successfully closed a $750 million note under its Euro Medium Term Note programme.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Afreximbank closed the seven-year Regulation S (Reg S) only notes on 13 June, priced at a spread of 220 bps over mid-swaps (m/s) and a coupon of 4.125 per cent, with Mitsubishi UFJ Securities International plc as the sole coordinator and joint lead manager/book runner. (Reg S are bonds or stocks that may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States.)
Barclays Bank plc., HSBC Bank plc., Commerzbank and Standard Chartered Bank were joint lead managers and book runners.
This deal tenor represents the longest that Afreximbank has ever achieved in the Eurobond market and will help the Bank to extend the average tenor of its liability book in support of its new five-year strategic plan dubbed Impact 2021.
The order book reached $2.7 billion before being scaled back to $2.2 billion after the initial pricing thoughts were revised from m/s plus 250 basis points (bps), down to m/s plus 220 bps. In the end, 39 per cent of the allocation went to continental Europe, 28 per cent to the United Kingdom, 19 per cent to Asia, and 7 per cent each to the Middle East and Africa and the United States offshore.
Prior to pricing the transaction, Afreximbank met with more than 60 investors during comprehensive roadshows held across Asia, continental Europe and the United Kingdom.
Speaking after the closing, Denys Denya, Afreximbank’s Executive Vice President in charge of Finance, Administration and Banking Services, said that the deal would be of great benefit to the Bank’s African borrowers who would enjoy the positive effects of the reduction in the Bank’s cost of funds.
“The level of subscription and diversification of investors, coupled with the highly competitive pricing achieved, is testimony to the continued investor confidence in Afreximbank,” he said. According to him, the strong feedback from the road shows confirm investor confidence in Afreximbank’s credit profile and strategy, notably, their satisfaction with its successful equity capital raising efforts.
He commended the Afreximbank Treasury team for putting together the deal which was executed within a short window and priced lower than all previous 5 year issues.
The achieved spread of 220 bps over m/s for the seven-year issue is 100.5 bps lower than the 2019s, which were priced at m/s plus 320.5 bps, and 80 bps lower than the 2024s, priced at m/s plus 300 bps, both being five-year issues.
The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) has successfully closed a $750 million note under its Euro Medium Term Note programme.
Afreximbank closed the seven-year Regulation S (Reg S) only notes on 13 June, priced at a spread of 220 bps over mid-swaps (m/s) and a coupon of 4.125 per cent, with Mitsubishi UFJ Securities International plc as the sole coordinator and joint lead manager/book runner. (Reg S are bonds or stocks that may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States.)
Barclays Bank plc., HSBC Bank plc., Commerzbank and Standard Chartered Bank were joint lead managers and book runners.
This deal tenor represents the longest that Afreximbank has ever achieved in the Eurobond market and will help the Bank to extend the average tenor of its liability book in support of its new five-year strategic plan dubbed Impact 2021.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The order book reached $2.7 billion before being scaled back to $2.2 billion after the initial pricing thoughts were revised from m/s plus 250 basis points (bps), down to m/s plus 220 bps. In the end, 39 per cent of the allocation went to continental Europe, 28 per cent to the United Kingdom, 19 per cent to Asia, and 7 per cent each to the Middle East and Africa and the United States offshore.
Prior to pricing the transaction, Afreximbank met with more than 60 investors during comprehensive roadshows held across Asia, continental Europe and the United Kingdom.
Speaking after the closing, Denys Denya, Afreximbank’s Executive Vice President in charge of Finance, Administration and Banking Services, said that the deal would be of great benefit to the Bank’s African borrowers who would enjoy the positive effects of the reduction in the Bank’s cost of funds.
“The level of subscription and diversification of investors, coupled with the highly competitive pricing achieved, is testimony to the continued investor confidence in Afreximbank,” he said. According to him, the strong feedback from the road shows confirm investor confidence in Afreximbank’s credit profile and strategy, notably, their satisfaction with its successful equity capital raising efforts.
He commended the Afreximbank Treasury team for putting together the deal which was executed within a short window and priced lower than all previous 5 year issues.
The achieved spread of 220 bps over m/s for the seven-year issue is 100.5 bps lower than the 2019s, which were priced at m/s plus 320.5 bps, and 80 bps lower than the 2024s, priced at m/s plus 300 bps, both being five-year issues.
The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) has successfully closed a $750 million note under its Euro Medium Term Note programme.
Afreximbank closed the seven-year Regulation S (Reg S) only notes on 13 June, priced at a spread of 220 bps over mid-swaps (m/s) and a coupon of 4.125 per cent, with Mitsubishi UFJ Securities International plc as the sole coordinator and joint lead manager/book runner. (Reg S are bonds or stocks that may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States.)
Barclays Bank plc., HSBC Bank plc., Commerzbank and Standard Chartered Bank were joint lead managers and book runners.
This deal tenor represents the longest that Afreximbank has ever achieved in the Eurobond market and will help the Bank to extend the average tenor of its liability book in support of its new five-year strategic plan dubbed Impact 2021.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The order book reached $2.7 billion before being scaled back to $2.2 billion after the initial pricing thoughts were revised from m/s plus 250 basis points (bps), down to m/s plus 220 bps. In the end, 39 per cent of the allocation went to continental Europe, 28 per cent to the United Kingdom, 19 per cent to Asia, and 7 per cent each to the Middle East and Africa and the United States offshore.
Prior to pricing the transaction, Afreximbank met with more than 60 investors during comprehensive roadshows held across Asia, continental Europe and the United Kingdom.
Speaking after the closing, Denys Denya, Afreximbank’s Executive Vice President in charge of Finance, Administration and Banking Services, said that the deal would be of great benefit to the Bank’s African borrowers who would enjoy the positive effects of the reduction in the Bank’s cost of funds.
“The level of subscription and diversification of investors, coupled with the highly competitive pricing achieved, is testimony to the continued investor confidence in Afreximbank,” he said. According to him, the strong feedback from the road shows confirm investor confidence in Afreximbank’s credit profile and strategy, notably, their satisfaction with its successful equity capital raising efforts.
He commended the Afreximbank Treasury team for putting together the deal which was executed within a short window and priced lower than all previous 5 year issues.
The achieved spread of 220 bps over m/s for the seven-year issue is 100.5 bps lower than the 2019s, which were priced at m/s plus 320.5 bps, and 80 bps lower than the 2024s, priced at m/s plus 300 bps, both being five-year issues.
The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) has successfully closed a $750 million note under its Euro Medium Term Note programme.
Afreximbank closed the seven-year Regulation S (Reg S) only notes on 13 June, priced at a spread of 220 bps over mid-swaps (m/s) and a coupon of 4.125 per cent, with Mitsubishi UFJ Securities International plc as the sole coordinator and joint lead manager/book runner. (Reg S are bonds or stocks that may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States.)
Barclays Bank plc., HSBC Bank plc., Commerzbank and Standard Chartered Bank were joint lead managers and book runners.
This deal tenor represents the longest that Afreximbank has ever achieved in the Eurobond market and will help the Bank to extend the average tenor of its liability book in support of its new five-year strategic plan dubbed Impact 2021.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The order book reached $2.7 billion before being scaled back to $2.2 billion after the initial pricing thoughts were revised from m/s plus 250 basis points (bps), down to m/s plus 220 bps. In the end, 39 per cent of the allocation went to continental Europe, 28 per cent to the United Kingdom, 19 per cent to Asia, and 7 per cent each to the Middle East and Africa and the United States offshore.
Prior to pricing the transaction, Afreximbank met with more than 60 investors during comprehensive roadshows held across Asia, continental Europe and the United Kingdom.
Speaking after the closing, Denys Denya, Afreximbank’s Executive Vice President in charge of Finance, Administration and Banking Services, said that the deal would be of great benefit to the Bank’s African borrowers who would enjoy the positive effects of the reduction in the Bank’s cost of funds.
“The level of subscription and diversification of investors, coupled with the highly competitive pricing achieved, is testimony to the continued investor confidence in Afreximbank,” he said. According to him, the strong feedback from the road shows confirm investor confidence in Afreximbank’s credit profile and strategy, notably, their satisfaction with its successful equity capital raising efforts.
He commended the Afreximbank Treasury team for putting together the deal which was executed within a short window and priced lower than all previous 5 year issues.
The achieved spread of 220 bps over m/s for the seven-year issue is 100.5 bps lower than the 2019s, which were priced at m/s plus 320.5 bps, and 80 bps lower than the 2024s, priced at m/s plus 300 bps, both being five-year issues.
The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) has successfully closed a $750 million note under its Euro Medium Term Note programme.
Afreximbank closed the seven-year Regulation S (Reg S) only notes on 13 June, priced at a spread of 220 bps over mid-swaps (m/s) and a coupon of 4.125 per cent, with Mitsubishi UFJ Securities International plc as the sole coordinator and joint lead manager/book runner. (Reg S are bonds or stocks that may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States.)
Barclays Bank plc., HSBC Bank plc., Commerzbank and Standard Chartered Bank were joint lead managers and book runners.
This deal tenor represents the longest that Afreximbank has ever achieved in the Eurobond market and will help the Bank to extend the average tenor of its liability book in support of its new five-year strategic plan dubbed Impact 2021.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The order book reached $2.7 billion before being scaled back to $2.2 billion after the initial pricing thoughts were revised from m/s plus 250 basis points (bps), down to m/s plus 220 bps. In the end, 39 per cent of the allocation went to continental Europe, 28 per cent to the United Kingdom, 19 per cent to Asia, and 7 per cent each to the Middle East and Africa and the United States offshore.
Prior to pricing the transaction, Afreximbank met with more than 60 investors during comprehensive roadshows held across Asia, continental Europe and the United Kingdom.
Speaking after the closing, Denys Denya, Afreximbank’s Executive Vice President in charge of Finance, Administration and Banking Services, said that the deal would be of great benefit to the Bank’s African borrowers who would enjoy the positive effects of the reduction in the Bank’s cost of funds.
“The level of subscription and diversification of investors, coupled with the highly competitive pricing achieved, is testimony to the continued investor confidence in Afreximbank,” he said. According to him, the strong feedback from the road shows confirm investor confidence in Afreximbank’s credit profile and strategy, notably, their satisfaction with its successful equity capital raising efforts.
He commended the Afreximbank Treasury team for putting together the deal which was executed within a short window and priced lower than all previous 5 year issues.
The achieved spread of 220 bps over m/s for the seven-year issue is 100.5 bps lower than the 2019s, which were priced at m/s plus 320.5 bps, and 80 bps lower than the 2024s, priced at m/s plus 300 bps, both being five-year issues.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Gov't Calls on the Cameroon Diaspora to Invest Back Home

PM Yang
Prime Minister, Philemon Yang has called on Cameroonians living abroad to invest in the country in the bid towards the country’s goal towards emergence. Prime Minister Yang Philemon made the clarion call while presiding at the opening of the First Ever Diaspora forum in Yaounde on Wednesday June 28.
In his opening speech, Philemon Yang said government has put in place incentives and some exoneration tips for passionate Cameroonians willing to invest back home. He presented government's plea for the diaspora to join in the struggle towards achieving the much talked about Vision 2035. Some of the sectors government is asking the diaspora to invest in include amongst others, agriculture and livestock, transformation of agricultural products, education infrastructure as etc
The spokesperson of the Diaspora declared on behalf of others their desire to build the the country and said they are happy to see how Cameroon is progressing on right path and promised their contribution to build the country. This forum which is taking place under the theme, “Cameroon and its Diaspora, seeks to bring together major stakeholders based in the diasporas who are willing to make their own significant contribution for the development of the nation.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Part of Trump's Travel Ban to Go Effective This Week

President Donald Trump's revised travel ban -- which attempts to ban foreign nationals from Sudan, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia and Yemen -- will take effect Thursday evening. Photo by Erin Schaff/UPI| License Photo
June 29 (UPI) -- The partial implementation of President Donald Trump's revised travel ban, was to go into effect last Thursday evening, unnamed officials said.
The Supreme Court on Monday announced it would review the Trump administration's appeal against rulings from lower courts that blocked the implementation of his executive order on immigration. In its decision, the high court said the order could partially take effect.
The Department of State will lead the rollout of the measures to begin at 8 p.m. on Thursday, CNN reported.
A Homeland Security official told ABC News the department would work with Customs and Border Protection and Citizenship and Immigration Services to screen travelers coming from the six countries affected by the order.
The timing for the implementation of the travel ban was designed to give U.S. embassies and consulates sufficient guidance before the measures take effect, Bloomberg reported.
The president's revised order seeks to ban travel from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for at least 90 days, and temporarily halt all refugee applications for 120 days. Trump has said that the suspensions allow much-needed time to review the nation's immigration and refugee evaluation procedures to ensure potential terrorists aren't allowed to enter the country
In a 13-page opinion, the Supreme Court narrowed the scope of the ban, saying it was not enforceable against those with a legitimate relationship with someone or some organization in the United States.
The Supreme Court determined if a foreign national from the aforementioned countries cannot sufficiently demonstrate he or she has a "credible claim of bona fide relationship" with either a U.S. institution, such as a school or employer, or a person living in the United States, that foreign national is likely to be banned for 90 days. If he or she is a refugee from one of the countries, the ban lasts for 120 days.
The U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in late May upheld a lower court ruling that blocked the implementation Trump's travel ban. Oral arguments in the case will be heard in October before the Supreme Court.

 ***By Andrew V. Pestano
Ed Adamczyk contributed to this report.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)
Royal Dutch Shell becomes the first oil and gas company to endorse climate-related transparency recommendations outlined by a multilateral task force. Photo by Stephen Shaver/UPI
| License Photo
June 29 (UPI) -- The first in the industry, Royal Dutch Shell said it's aligned with a transparency measure on climate steered by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
"I agree that companies should be clear about how they plan to be resilient in the face of climate change and energy transition," Shell CEO Ben van Beurden said in a statement.
Bloomberg steered efforts through the multilateral Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, which said the transition to a low-carbon economy could require as much as $1 trillion in net investments per year.
Describing the financial crisis of the last decade as one tied to "weak corporate governance," the task force said accurate and timely disclosure is fundamental to financial risk management when capital allocation is considered.
Bloomberg, who chairs the task force, said transparency could help investors evaluate the risks and the rewards of the transition to a greener economy.
"Climate change presents global markets with risks and opportunities that cannot be ignored, which is why a framework around climate-related disclosures is so important," he said in a statement.
Companies ranging from Bank of America to Dow Chemical Co. have backed up the initiative. Shell so far is the only oil and gas company to endorse the recommendations.
"I applaud the task force for its work to achieve this aim and I have signed a letter confirming Shell's support for the initiative," van Beurden said.
The task force recommendations on risk management are voluntary. Task force leaders said the recommendations are fit for purpose, by the market and for the market.
Shell earlier this month released details on payments made to more than two dozen governments in countries where it does business. The transparency is required by mandates enacted by the British government in 2014.
At the time, Joe Williams, a senior advocacy officer for the Natural Resource Governance Institute in London, told UPI that, from his point of view, Shell was only disclosing what it had to under the terms of British law.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Thursday, June 29, 2017

3,600 People in Serious Trouble for 'Insulting' the President

 At least a total of 3,658 people who allegedly 'insulted' a country's President, have landed themselves in serious trouble as security authorities opened criminal cases against them.

Turkey’s President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan
The Turkish authorities opened criminal cases against 3,658 people for allegedly “insulting” President Tayyip Erdogan in 2016, the state-run Anadolu news agency reported on Thursday, citing the Justice Ministry.
Over the course of the year, 46,193 cases were opened against people who are accused of the more general crime of “insulting Turkey, the Turkish nation or Turkish government institutions.” 
Critics of Erdogan say the insult law – long on the books but previously little-used – is being employed as a means to intimidate and punish opponents.
In 2016, a court convicted a former Miss Turkey of insulting Erdogan on social media.
The issue has spilled over to Germany, where Erdogan also filed a case against a satirist Jan Boehmermann, who read a poem containing some obscene language on a television show, which raised freedom of speech issues in the European country.
Erdogan became president in 2014 after serving as prime minister for more than a decade.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Confederation cup: Chile Sinks Portugal 3-0 to Qualify for Finals

Claudio Bravo saved all three of Portugal's spot kicks in the penalty shoot-out after a goalless 120 minutes, with Chile set to play Germany or Mexico in the final.
Claudio Bravo saved three penalties as Chile reached the Confederations Cup final after a 3-0 shootout win over Portugal on Wednesday.
The Chile captain denied Ricardo Quaresma, Joao Moutinho and Nani to send his team into Sunday's final after the game in Kazan ended 0-0 after extra time.
Chile, who scored all three of their spot-kicks taken by Arturo Vidal, Charles Aranguiz and Alexis Sanchez, will face the winner of Germany against Mexico.
Nani missed the decisive penalty as Portugal did not call on Cristiano Ronaldo, who likely was scheduled to take the fifth.
Chile created the better opportunities and were unfortunate not to win the game in extra-time when they struck the woodwork twice in quick succession through Vidal and Martin Rodriguez.
Both teams made a bright start, with Chile going close after six minutes through Eduardo Vargas. He latched onto a pass from Sanchez but Rui Patricio smothered his effort.
Portugal responded inside a minute when Ronaldo created their best opportunity, teeing up Andre Silva at the back post.
But Bravo reacted smartly for Chile to deny the new AC Milan signing.
The only other opportunity before the interval fell to Aranguiz but the Bayer Leverkusen midfielder snatched at his far-post volley.
Both sides lacked ambition after the break but Chile continued to force the clearer chances. Vidal nodded over from Jean Beausejour's cross and Patricio saved sharply from Vargas' opportunistic volley.
Portugal looked sluggish in attack with captain Ronaldo their biggest threat. He tested Bravo with a firm strike on the hour mark and saw a deflected effort drop two yards wide but ultimately the two teams settled for extra-time.
Chile pushed hard for a winner as Sanchez squandered a free header in the first period, while they were denied a penalty when Jose Fonte tripped substitute Francisco Silva in the box.
When Vidal then Rodriguez struck crossbar and post in quick succession in the final minute of extra time it looked set for Portugal to triumph on penalties.
But Bravo stepped up to deny three Portugal substitutes in the shoot-out, sending Chile into Sunday's showpiece in St Petersburg.
Man of the match - Arturo Vidal
The Chile midfielder was all action throughout and came so close to snatching a winner for his country in the final minute of extra-time.
His penalty - Chile's first in the shoot-out - also helped set the tone before Bravo's heroics.
What next?
Chile will face the winner of Germany v Mexico in Sunday's final, while Portugal will take on the loser in the third-placed play-off earlier on the same day.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Dre Two Escaped Chibok Schoolgirls Meet President Trump and Wife at the White House (Photos)

 Two of the Chibok schoolgirls who were able to escape from Boko Haram in 2014, have met with the US President, Donald Trump at the White House on Wednesday.

The escaped chibok girls on their high school graduation in USA
Two of the nearly 300 Chibok schoolgirls kidnapped by deadly Islamic terrorist sect, Boko Haram and are among the 57 girls who were able to escape from the terrorist group, have met the President of United States of America, Donald Trump, and first lady, Ivanka Trump.
20-year-old Joy Bishara, and 19-year-old Lydia Pogu, who were among several other girls who escaped and moved to the United States to complete their school, met with the American President at the White House in Washington on Wednesday, June 28. 
With the help of a Christian non-profit, others, they were able to attend boarding school in Virginia. Bishara and Pogu transferred their senior year and recently graduated from Canyonville Christian Academy. 
They will be attending Southeastern University in Florida in the fall.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Over 400 Nigerian Refugees Fleeing Ethnic Confrontation “Flood” Nwa

Donga Mantung SDO flanked by his entourage and some young refugees
Photo credit: Gonga Timothy
 Over 400 Nigerian refugees (Fulani graziers) have flooded into Nwa Sub Division in Donga Mantung Division of the North West region following ethnic clash between the Mambilas and the Fulani gaziers. The Senior Divisional Officer for Donga Mantung Division , Ngone Ndodemesape Bernard visited the localities of Yang, Nsam, Ntim to assess himself the living condition of the refugees. Reports say the refugees are mostly women and children below the ages of 5. It said that over 300 of them have taken shelter in one of the primary schools while others have in the Ardoret. Their living conditions according to what we gathered are precarious given that they lack the basic necessity food and other non-food items like medication, blankets, shelter materials etc. The most pathetic thing is that some of them who sustained injuries during the clashes with the Mambilas have been transferred to Kumbo for treatment. Allegedly, one dead has been recorded. However, the Mbororo Socio-Cultural and Development Association- MBOSCUDA and the mayor of Nwa Dr. Ngomfe Loma David have extended a hand of fellowship by providing some support to the refugees. It should be recalled that massive influx of refugees in bordering villages of Nwa reached its apex on June 23. It is alleged the confrontation recorded loss of lives, slaughtering of thousands of cows and burning down of homes belonging mainly to the Fulani. Reports say the crisis was as a result of the conflict between farmer and graziers.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Even the Rich Have Problems: Dangote Reveals What Gives Him Sleepless Nights

Multi-billionaire businessman and the President of the Dangote Group, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, has revealed what is making him lose sleep as he talks on the latest quit notice given to the Igbos in the North.

Aliko Dangote
While speaking on the sideline of a meeting with business leaders/chief executive officers from Nigeria and Kenya held at the Dangote Lekki free-trade zone at the weekend in Lagos, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, revealed that the success or failure of any of his businesses does not bother him or make him lose sleep like the rate of unemployed Nigerian youths.
According to a report by ThisDay, President of the Dangote Group, stated that unemployment gives him sleepless nights, as he posited that it’s the collective responsibility of both the government and entrepreneurs to create jobs for the teeming Nigerian youths as a way of solving the restiveness and agitations that the nation is experiencing from different geo-political zones.
The richest man in Africa, harped on diversification as the major solution to the unemployment challenges the nation is facing, submitting sadly though, that successive governments had always paid lip service to job creation and diversification.
He said: “Since 1978, when I came to Lagos, government has been talking about diversification of the economy which has not happened up till now. It is also sad that nobody is challenging anybody about how many jobs he or she has created.
“In reality though, it is not solely government duty to provide jobs. It is also the duty of entrepreneurs, but government at all levels must provide the enabling environment. When there is no jobs, people get frustrated, and I can tell you that the Boko Haram insurgency is a product of frustration. The way to go is diversification. Nigeria should diversify its economy, and take crude oil as icing on the cake.”
Dangote appealed to young entrepreneurs especially from the Lagos Business School (LBS) who were part of his audience to brace up for the challenge and do something differently. He described Nigeria as a scratched card that has not been touched, and would be useless after loading it. 
“Nigeria is like a recharge card. Anywhere you touch is money. You should also have visions and be focused,” he added.
On the quit notice order given to Igbo people in the North by a coalition of northern youths, Dangote said it is a topic not worth discussing, and however, urged the people to stop talking about it. 
According to him, “Unknown people are talking about Igbo leaving the North, and we are joining them to talk about it. Why are we talking about it? It shouldn’t be discussed at all. Those saying it are just seeking relevance.”
Dangote added that his company is determined to transform and diversify the Nigerian economy.
“When we rolled these projects out, there was nothing like devaluation but now, we have to double our efforts and it is not a problem because Dangote group is a leader in the new breed of African multi-national conglomerates, and that is why its rated top 10 in Africa and top 400 globally.
“We are globally competitive, yet growing local capacity and manufacturing quality products. Dangote is rapidly transforming from a Nigerian company to a dominant African brand,” the Dangote Group president noted.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Ten Popular Lies We Tell Our Partner

Well, many of us take pride in saying we don't lie. However, psychologists say you lie when you tell your partner the following...
File photo
1. I am listening — when you are actually busy browsing a social media page.
2.  I’m not in a bad mood — when your body language and facial expression say otherwise.
3.  I only had one drink — even when your speech is slurred and you can hardly maintain your balance.
4. I didn’t see your text/call — when you have only deleted your call log and emptied your message box just in case you want to prove him/her wrong.
5.  You don’t look fat — when s/he can hardly fit into his/her regular size again.
6.  I am sticking to my diet — after you have just walloped a plate of junk food.
7.  I did orgasm — when you know quite well that you faked it.
8.  This isn’t a new outfit — when you have not even finished the payment for that new outfit.
9.  Your bum doesn’t look big in that — even when the cloth is almost bursting in the middle because of the unwieldy backside.
10.  I wasn’t looking at her figure — even when you have just whistled in your mind, thinking, ‘Wow! What a knockout!’

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

T.B Joshua's N10m Largesse Tearing Human Rights Committee Apart

The Committee for Defence of Human Rights has been engulfed by crisis as revelation of TB Joshua's donation of N10million emerges.
The ongoing crisis rocking one of Nigeria’s foremost civil society organisations, the Committee for Defence of Human Rights, CDHR, took a new turn, Vanguard reports.
This is after the Lagos State chapter of the association disclosed that N10 million was allegedly donated to the association by founder of The Synagogue Church Of All Nations, Pastor T.B Joshua.
The State chapter added that the fund was allegedly donated by the cleric to CDHR through its President, Malachy Ugwumadu, and one Ade Ikuesan, to mobilize members to court whenever case on his collapsed six-storey building that allegedly led to death of over 100 Nigerians and foreigners at Lagos State Corona Court is scheduled to hold.
Meanwhile, Ugwumadu had debunked the allegations, claiming that the Lagos chapter of the association was peddling false claim.
Speaking on behalf of the members, Chairman of Lagos chapter, Alex Omotehinse, in an interview with Vanguard yesterday, said that aside the fund, the cleric also allegedly donated 500 bags of rice, two generators and promised yearly donations of millions of naira to the association.
He said: “President,  Malachy Ugwumadu and Ade Ikuesan wanted us to mobilise in favour and support of Prophet T.B. Joshua as a result of the donation of the sum of N10 million, 500 bags of rice, two bigger generators and yearly donations of millions of Naira.
“This is the centre point of current tension, persecution and inciting of members against themselves by the President simply because we refuse to mobilise over 100 members of our branch with placards in support of Prophet T. B. Joshua on his case at the Lagos State Corona Court as instructed by the President and one Ade Ikuesan,” he added

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

All You Need to Know about Prof Uphie Melo Chinje, Rector of Ngoundere University

By Fai Cassian Ndi
 Prof. Uphie Melo Chinje is the new Rector of the University of Ngoundere. Before her appointment two days ago to that prestigious position, she was the General Manager of the Local Material Authority-MIPROMALO.
Prof. Uphie Melo Chinje
While at MIPROMALO, Prof. Uphie Melo Chinje was a frontline researcher, like other result oriented researchers, he job was to transform laboratory work into tangible practical work.

She was tasked with moving research results from the laboratory into the field of production. In the past, accusations have been more compounded by the fact that research results never go beyond the laboratory. Reasons being that majority of the research results never tie with local realities because most of the researchers prefer to think globally and act globally. Welcome Prof. Uphie Melo Chinje who is a mark departure from the madding crowd because she thinks globally and act locally. As a woman she has shown proof of being a systematically thought out of the box. As a researcher and a woman for that matter, she has always been worried why there are practical problems to be solved in society and researchers spend time in abstract things. She is one of those rare researchers who believe in the value of work. Far from being an academic exercise, she is of the school of thought of Beacon who saw research and the acquisition of knowledge as planned work. Knowing that everything in the world is purchased by labour, Prof. Uphie Melo Chinje put herself to education and learning that would make her useful in the field of work. And being a God fearing person, her inspiration has often come from Genesis 1:28 which states that: “replenish and subdue it”.  It is therefore a noble sentiment that she has not only replenished the earth but has been subduing it.
As General Manager of the Local Material Production Authority-MIPROMALO, she has been redefining the use of the earth especially it soil. Through her meritorious research work, she demonstrated that local materials are more resistant and she succeeded in putting local construction materials at the front stage in Cameron. That is how she is transforming President Biya’s greater ambition program.
While others in her position will certainly wear arrogance and snobbishness, she remains down to earth and accommodating. Back in Ngoketunjia where she hails, Prof. Uphie Melo initiated and established the Creative Women Center, which is a model in empowering the rural woman. Yet Prof. Melo still goes beyond that to make work the divine with humanity as she believes God makes Himself in all the things. Her successes in development work, research and empowerment is what has earned her this recent appointment by President Paul Biya. She is expected to transform the Ngoundere university into a citadel if standards.

***First published in March 2014 by the same author 

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Cameroon Gets $ 666 Million IMF Loan to Support Economic, financial reforms

 The International Monetary Fund’s executive board has approved a $666 million, three-year extended credit facility for Cameroon to support economic and financial reforms, an IMF statement said. According to Reuters report, the fluctuation in the prices of oil has resulted to government's inability to raise enough revenue. This reports say has obliged to concentrate resources on combating the threat of Islamist Boko Haram militants along its northwestern border with Nigeria.
“Having initially shown resilience owing to its greater diversification, the Cameroonian economy is now facing decelerating growth, declining fiscal and external buffers, and rapidly-rising public debt,” IMF Deputy Managing director Mitsuhiro Furusawa said in the statement.
The board’s decision allows for the immediate disbursement of $171 million as part of a programme aimed at restoring fiscal and external sustainability and unlocking private sector-driven growth.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

A Great Man: Tribute to Ache Franklin Aka L'Enfant Noir

RIP Ache Franklin
A Shakespearean tragedy as so far considered may be called a story of exceptional calamity leading to the death of a man in high estate. But it is clearly much more than this, and we have now to regard it from another side.

Heaven has again loosened on humanity. The news of the demise of Ache Franklin aka L’Enfant Noir Du Cameroun came as a shock to many including this writer. Though grieved by the sad news, it should be noted Ache Franklin will remain and continue to be remembered for his creativity. As Geology teacher at GBHS Nkambe, he left an indelible mark of greatness. As a musician, he leaves behind the legendary lyrics in Limbum that it may take centuries for someone to topple. And as former Manager of Savannah Frontier Radio, Nkambe, his management skills will forever be remembered as he produced some of the best jingles. The inventor of "molo molo dance" as he was fondly called has left his friends, students and colleagues in a confused state yet that life is nothing. He etched his name on the pillars of history and his actions will continue to echo across the century.
 A Voice, a Man is Gone, a talent and in fact an Iconic teaching teacher who will be missed. Ache’s demise is a big lost to the North West and Cameroon for he was such a great man that words alone can’t describe. To sum it all, he was enthusiastic and hard-working...RIP L’Enfant Noir

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

What You Need to Know About Prof. Ngomo Horace Manga, New UB VC

 The Newly appointed Vice Chancellor of the University of Buea, Prof Ngomo Horace Manga hails from Ndian Division in the South West Region. Before his appoint to man the University of Buea, he served as Secretary General in the Ministry of Higher Education. He is an associate Professor of Applied Chemical Engineering. He obtained his PHD from the University of Lagos in 1990. He replaces Prof. Nalova Lyonga who goes on retirement. 

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Mighty Storm Sweeps UB Vice Chancellor, Pro Chancellor

Prof. Nalova Lyonga
Prof. Nalova Lyonga, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Buea has been replaced. This is following a Presidential decree signed today June 27, 2017 by President Paul Biya. She has been replaced by Prof. Ngomo Horace Manga while Ako Edward Oben who was formerly Rector of the University of Maroua is new Pro Chancellor. 
Nalova Lyonga, who was Associate Professor was installed on Wednesday July 4 20112 at 3p.m as the 4th vice chancellor of the University of Buea, UB. She became the second female and second South West elite to man the affairs of UB. Her appointment by President Paul Biya on Thursday June 28, 2012 downplayed all speculations by bookmakers given that she replaced Vincent P.K Titanji, following varied lobby faces.
Sources say Prof. Uphie Melo Chinje was also appointed to man the University of Ngoundere.

UP NEXT: How Prof. Nalova Lyonga will be remembered

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

artificial reef can protect ocean biodiversity from climate change-Scientist

Researchers are installing small plastic structures meant to mimic natural coralline algae off the coast of Italy. Photo courtesy University of Portsmouth 
June 27 (UPI) -- Researchers from the University of Portsmouth in Great Britain hope an artificial coral reef can protect species from the ill effects of global warming, including rising ocean temperatures and ocean acidification.
Coral reefs anchor the food chains and ecosystems that support much of the ocean's biodiversity. But the health of many reefs continue to decline as ocean waters become more acidic and temperatures rise.
Scientists in Portsmouth are working on an artificial reef model with hopes of creating suitable underwater refuges for vulnerable species.
Researchers have created small plastic structures mimicking natural coralline algae, a type of red algae with calcareous deposits. Coralline algae are the main builders of reefs in the Mediterranean Sea. They also especially vulnerable to ocean acidification, as their calcium carbonate skeleton easily dissolves in low pH conditions.
Researchers plan to build large-scale artificial coral reefs near existing reefs and see if the structures can harbor vulnerable species. Scientists are also keen to find out if the artificial reefs can serve as scaffolding for coralline algae.
"In a small and confined seas like the Mediterranean, these potential 'buffers' are among the dominant organisms," Federica Ragazzola, a marine biologist at Portsmouth, said in a news release. "Coralline algae belong to these groups of organism that may play an important role in buffering the pH decrease thus creating a micro-environment that may help some species to resist future climate changes."
With help from researchers in Italy, the Portsmouth team began installing the first synthetic corals this month in the Gulf of La Spezia, off the northwest coast of Italy.
"Our research will allow us to clarify the function of the coralline algae reef as a buffer for diversity, abundance, reproductive, ecological and structural characteristics of the associated fauna," said Chiara Lombardi, from the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development. "As a consequence, our results will be important for the planning of future protection and management strategies involving coralline algae bioconstructions."

 ******* By Brooks Hays

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Corruption charges filed against Brazilian President Temer

June 27 (UPI) -- Brazil's Public Ministry said the attorney general has charged President Michel Temer with corruption after an investigation revealed hefty bribe payments.
Attorney General Rodrigo Janot on Monday filed a complaint to the Supreme Federal Court in which he accused Temer and his federal deputy Rodrigo Rocha Loures of passive corruption for receiving about $150,000 in bribes from Joesley Batista, a food company business leader.
Janot seeks damages of about $3 million from Temer and about $600,000 from Rocha Loures, as well as their dismissal from public service. Janot said bribe payments Temer and Rocha Loures received within a nine-month period could reach up to $11 million.
"The denunciation was based on criminal investigation that proved the materiality and the authorship of the crime of passive corruption," the Public Ministry said in a statement. "In addition to the conviction for passive corruption, the attorney general seeks compensation for the transindividual damages caused ... since the damages resulting from corruption are diffused, difficult to quantify. He also calls for the loss of civil service for the holders of public office -- public employment or elective office -- for having violated their duties towards the state and society."
A Supreme Federal Court justice must decide if Brazil's lower house of parliament, the Chamber of Deputies, can vote on whether Temer should be tried.
The case against Temer initiated in May after a Brazilian newspaper reported it obtained recordings of a conversation between Temer and Batista, who secretly recorded the discussion. Temer purportedly endorsed the executive's hush money payments to silence jailed politician Eduardo Cuhna as a potential witness in a corruption investigation.
In the recording, Batista said he was paying Cuhna money to keep silent and Temer said he would have to keep up those payments, the recording purportedly shows. Batista recorded the conversation as part of a plea bargain with prosecutors related to the massive Petrobras corruption scandal.
Temer, who has repeatedly denied wrongdoing, replaced former President Dilma Rousseff in August 2016 when the Federal Senate voted to remove her from office over accusations she broke budget laws.
In November, she accused Temer of taking a $295,000 bribe she was initially accused of taking. Her lawyers said documents showed the bribe was transferred directly into the general campaign finance fund of the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, to which Temer belongs.

 ****By Andrew V. Pestano

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

Cameroonian Guys are Not Romantic-Daphne


One of Cameroon’s rising female singer, Daphne is quoted to have said that Cameroonian guys are not romantic.

  Daphne who is celebrated for her famous soundtrack "Calee" is said to have told Team237mag in an exclusive interview that: “Well from my encounter, I know Cameroonian guys are really smart and cute in their own way but the bad thing I hate about Cameroonian guys is that they are very unromantic".

Impressionists are of the opinion that this decade has recorded the emergence of a huge number of young musicians that distinguished themselves by their aspirations to address pertinent issues and with a new social and philosophical tone, yet semantically undefined. Apparently, this new music "rids" or "emancipates" itself from the statements they make in public. 

The question which many have been asking is whether what musicians say is the only the function of text in music or in a broader sense also the capabilities of language, and, ultimately, the whole "logocentric" philosophical tradition of a generation.


When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)