
Sunday, September 17, 2017

Health Minister Disguises As Patient, Doctors Demand Bribe From Her


Uganda’s Health Minister, Mrs. Sarah Upendi, on Saturday disguised as a commoner and visited China-Naguru hospital, wearing a veil. Upon arriving at the hospital, she reportedly told the medical officials on duty that she wanted to take hepatitis B test.
Ugandan Minister of Health who disguised herself to visit a General Hospital, discovers patients pay bribe to get treated.
She was told to pay a bribe of shs5,000 at the reception in order to see a doctor, which she willingly paid.
When she finally got to the doctor, the doctor also asked for a bribe of shs100,000 to conduct the test. After paying, police covered up the place and arrested the two corrupt medical officers. Health services at the hospital are meant to be free.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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