
Saturday, December 23, 2017

Misaje Council Budget Records Drop

Misaje Council Adopts FCFA 429.691.433 as Budget for 2018 as against FCFA 432.245.000 in 2017, recording a decrease of FCFA 2.533.557 (representing about 0.6%). Though Mgbatta Sammy Nforkemba, mayor of Misaje said the minimal decrease is as a result of the fervent quest to make the budget more realistic, questions have been raised as to why resources from other development partners like FEICOM, PNDP and LIFIDEP were not projected in the budget. However,  Councilor Mgbata Sammy tried to clear the clouds by saying that funding from these partners shall be considered and received as additional budget or special authorizations. Holding few months after PNDP rated Misaje Council as the worst managed council in the North West Region, Mayor Mgbata Sammy tried as much as positive to exonerate Misaje Council as the worst in the performance basket exercise. He said " the one and only handicap was that neither the Municipal Treasurer nor the SG was present to have shown the good work that is done in Misaje council". Harping on the criteria used by PNDP put in place that Misaje could not obtain a pass, he outlined five points that were unjust such as Misaje Municipal Treasurer not sending monthly reports, complete absence of financial statements, no CDO after the former left though one has been recruited, SG unable to tell PNDP how he runs the council etc etc

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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