Cometh the hour, cometh the man, that’s the only suitable and most fitting tribute I can reserve for the departed likeable hero, Pa Mbeh Wilfred Shey, who exited the game of life on December 7, 2020. Pa Mbeh Wilfred Shey began the journey of no return in Douala today as his former colleagues in the police corpse gave him last homage. Thousands of mourners also paid him their last respect.
In fact December 7, 2020 happens to be another sad day for the people of Donga Mantung Division. A melancholic day that I would have loved to see it erased from the calendar, but since Heaven needed a hero, I have no other option than to succumb to the Lord Almighty, for His decision is supreme. He (Lord) gives and takes without asking anyone. With the bitter blows of what life could offer on earth where are told to be passerbys I had to console myself with the biblical thought that heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. Unlike the journey on earth, we don't need to take anything along for the journey of no return, "For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out" (1 Timothy 6:7).Everything you need had been prepared by Jesus Christ says the Bible: "In my Father's house, are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you..... " (John 14:2). One inescapable question God will surely ask all of us when we get to the other side is,"What have you done with the gift of my Son Jesus Christ when you were on earth?
The Man whom everyone fondly called Daddy or DC, was a retired police inspector, refined politician, development luminary and a lovely father. I would say in many ways he was a jovial man who never failed to crack a joke whenever the opportunity arose. He was an easygoing man, soft spoken and was affectionately known in all circles. Pa Mbeh Wilfred Shey had an affinity for people from all walks of life, the old, the young were his friends while his enthusiasm and passion for development and social democracy knew no borders.
In fact I had the privilege to enjoy an amicable relationship with him, benefitting from his sage advices. When I got news that he was called up to prepare a better place for all of us, I felt a pinch in my throat. I gave myself a second thought that it was a dream. At my age tears ran on my face erasing the dust that had settled on my forehead drawing the lines of sadness. Too hard to accept that the sad news was true.
When I saw images of his removal and police honours from Douala today, I started believing it was true DC has finally taken the journey of no return. Since then I have been uttering incoherently to myself that this can’t be true and I had to pinched myself several times in an effort to drag myself back to reality, in thought that I was still daydreaming. Today, thousands paid their last homage to the departed hero in Douala. The people of Donga Mantung, the SDF family, Wimbum community and his former colleagues gave him the honours as well as his political friends. Here goes a hero, a great man who has left an idelible mark of greatness in the sand of time.

Life is a journey of the history of what man has accomplished in this world. And of all men I have met along this journey Pa Mbeh Wilfred Shey, was one of the Greatest. This Prince of the Nkambe Palace was the leaders of men. He was a modellers, who served in the police corps and retired with the rank of Police Inspector. He served as deputy of the Nkambe council.
A refined politician who is currently District chairman of the Nkambe SDF Electoral District a position he held for several years with dexterity. To sum it all, as a politician he was a man who would do extraordinary things in a very common way. One of the few trusted politician of his generation. Whatsoever the general mass of men contrived to do or to attain when it comes to development initiatives; Pa Mbeh Wilfred Shey was always there. He is one of the few remaining founding fathers of the Warr Cultural and Development Association-WACUDA, founding father of Nkambe Cultural and Development Association-NKACUDA and former Douala Branch President of WImbum Cultural and Development Association-WICUDA and WACUDA respectively.
Wikipedia tells me that the great man theory is a 19th-century idea according to which history can be largely explained by the impact of great men, or heroes. And Thomas Carlilye states that in this journey of life highly influential and unique individuals who, due to their natural attributes, such as superior intellect, heroic courage, extraordinary leadership abilities or divine inspiration, have a decisive historical effect. These attributes clearly define the Man, the Hero I knew Pa Mbeh Shey Wilfred.
The longer you knew him, the more you realized how remarkable of a man he was, how remarkable a servant-leader, how devoted to his family, how loyal to his friends, how faithful to God, and how available he was to literally anyone who needed help. In these days in our society, one of the highest compliments you can give a man is the most simple thing to say and powerful when it’s said in earnest: “He’s good man.” “He’s a great man.” Pa Mbeh Wilfred was my Hero.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)