By Fai Cassian Ndi
The 2014
Water Day is being celebrated in many part of Cameroon amidst water scarcity.
The situations in major cities like Yaounde, the capital, Douala, the economic
capital and Garoua
are very pathetic given the growing population. However, in
the rural areas, access to potable water has reached crisis level. In some
localities, the population goes for weeks and even months without potable
water. Donga Mantung Division in the North West Region has been hit by water
scarcity. If water as they say
is life, then Nkambe and Ndu towns in Donga Mantung Division of the North West
Region of Cameroon may perhaps eventually be lifeless. This is so due to the scarcity
of water. Since November 2013 up to date, Nkambe, Ndu and Ako towns with the
fast growing population have been in water crisis. This wobbly situation is
having diversified interpretations. Environmentalists are of the opinion that
the scarcity of water has been orchestrated by the changing climate while some
development experts on the other hand say it is due to the abusive cultivation
of eucalyptus trees in and around water catchments. Yet traditionalists on
their part are convinced that the gods are angry. It is common to see a
traditional ruler pouring libation at a stream calling on the gods to bring
back water. The situation is such that taps regularly run dry; some small
springs have dried off while others have lost their sizes. Water has been
tagged as a rare commodity given that to get water especially at this period of
the year is as complicated as a journey to Mars. Access to water is a major
predicament and gradually it has reached a crisis level.
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When Water becomes a scarce commodity |
In Ndu town, the council has adopted rationing strategies with
the Ndu Water Authority to meet up with the pressing water problems. Talking to
this reporter, the Mayor of Ndu Council Bunyui Emmanuel Nyugap says apart from
the fact that water is now rationed in Ndu town, the council has also embarked
on mitigating the crisis to avoid any out break of water borne diseases. The
population he said is being sensitized and it is an ongoing process. He also
mentioned that the council has also embarked on the eradication of eucalyptus
trees in and around water catchments and in the months ahead Ndu council
intends to construct an additional water pumping station as an immediate
package aimed at providing a temporary solution to the crisis. He also observed
that there is an urgent need to empower the rural communities on the
sustainable natural resource management.
In Nkambe, the situation is becoming very precarious. Former
mayor of Nkambe, Mangoh Jones says from 2010 to 2013, the council eradicated
over 20.000 eucalyptus trees in and around and has planted over 32.000
environmental friendly trees at the main water catchmentwith support from the
Ministry of Forestry and Faiuna, Mangoh Jones. Nkambe town has three
watersheds, but they have been invaded by eucalyptus trees. Mangoh Jones Tanko
said that the first water crisis emerged in 1999, when the population of Nkambe
town went for almost two months without potable water. “Last year, the
council supported the communities of Binju, Ngwanyuh and Mansoh to construct
some springs that could serve these quarters during the months of January,
February and March but it is pathetic that the springs usually run dry due to
severe harshness of the dry season”.
He observed that the situation is very critical
as families move over 10-20 km everyday to get water. He blamed the
population for setting watersheds on fire as well as the abusive planting of
eucalyptus trees in and around water catchments. It should be noted that more
than 85% of all the water catchments in Donga Mantung and Bui are invaded by
eucalyptus trees. Experts say a mature eucalyptus tree consumes a minimum of
400 liters of water per day. Besides, if there are still little drops of water
in Nkambe town, it is thanks to Mangoh Jones Tanko the former mayor of Nkambe
who took the challenge to launch a fierce less war by replacing eucalyptus
in water catchments. Yet, approximately half of the trees planted were all
consumed by bushfire this year. To cut the story short, indicators are rife
that more than 92% of the watersheds usually get dry during dry season. Some of
the streams even dry off completely. It is common to see children digging
at the watersheds to find water. Uncertainty looms
large as it is feared that this could lead to an outbreak of cholera or increasing
water borne diseases. Of late, it has been observed that the number of typhoid
cases in Ndu and Nkambe have increased geometrically. Farmers on the other hand
have been complaining that weather patterns have changed and it is resulting to
poor crop yields. Yet the same farmers hardly keep to the instructions of
avoiding “slatch and burnt” commonly known as “ankara” in their
farms. Cattle grazers on the other hand for wanting fresh grass for their
cattle have gone on a periodic folly of setting the bushes on fire.
In Ako, Hon. Abe Michael is of the opinion that
it is the deforestation of the Mbembe forest that is producing the negative
effects. And that the water scheme in the town needs to be reconstructed.
Awudu Mbaya Gives Hope
Hon. Awudu Mbaya, Questor at the National
Assembly and Executive President of Pan African Parliamentarians Network on
Climate Change says there are prospects that by next year the situation will be
better. According to Hon. Awudu Mbaya, he has lobbied and obtained some funding
to improve on access to potable water in the three municipalities. He revealed
that 120 boreholes (stand-taps) will be provided for the three council areas by
the end of 2014. The borehole (stand-taps) will reach the needy villages as
well. “Technicians are just back from the field where they conducted surveys in
all the selected villages and spots in the various towns. Each municipality, he
added will benefit from 40 boreholes. This according to Hon. Awudu is part of
his strategy to improve access to water in the Division.
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa
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