
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

PM Yang Exposes Ama Muna’s Administrative Folly

The altercation and identity crisis between Prime Minister, Head of Government Yang Philemon and Minister of Arts and Culture, Ama Tutu Muna over the creation of a new author’s rights structure has reached climax. The long accumulated conflict finally exploded on May 22, 2015 when Prime Ministry signed a communique giving Ama Muna 48 hrs to dissolve the newly created structure, SOCACIM. The decisions also rendered null and void the license issued by Arts and Culture minister, Ama Tutu Muna.  Ama Muna is accused of violating the dispositions of Article 75 of Law No 2000/11 of December 2000 on authors and neigbours’ rights as well as Article 20 of Decree No 2001/956/PM of November 1, 2001. More so, Minister Ama Muna is also said to have disrespected the dispositions on general instructions  as well as Code No 002 of 1st October 2002, on the organization of government work. However, Expressionists Arts and Culture minister is actually on a very hot seat which may likely lead to her dismissal as government minister.
It should be recalled that on April 28, 2015 Ama Tutu Muna took some artists to her Mbengwi constituency where she imposed the creation of SOCACIM. It is even alleged that she used all the means available to hoodwink musicians to adopt her idea. 
Yet, majority of the artists were aghast that the Minister used her secretive powers to hijacked their structure. She allegedly camouflaged her strong headiness with the distribution of some 250 guitars which she had spent hundreds of millions of taxpayers money. Even when the PM stepped in and ordered that she should wait for the report of the Commission, Ama Muna went ahead to announce over the airwaves of the national station that SOCACIM was granted the license to operate. Classified sources hinted that the Prime Ministry queried her rebelliousness reasons why she was given a 48 hours ultimatum to back-paddle or else face the consequences. A school of thought holds that the Ministry of Arts and Culture is feeding fat on musicians.
Classified sources say Ama Muna may appear infront of the Special Criminal Court on copyrights from December 2007 up to December 2014. She will have it hot for not respecting first the Supreme Court ruling on CMC, before a review is done on her running of SOCAM saga. (affair a suivre)

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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