In his launching speech, Dr.
Fuh Calistus said that FAINAP in its entirety is a non-governmental
organization, non religious, non tribal and an apolitical organization which
focuses on the development of Donga Mantung Division in the North West Region
of Cameroon. According to Fuh Calistus, the organization seeks to reinforce and
empower farmers as well as support them with adequate and relevant facilities.
The support, he said will tackle production, transformation and marketing of
farm produce.
Harping on the various
speculation that have been chosen, Minister Fuh Calitus told the population
that FAINAP has the mandate to boost the maize, cassava, cattle, beans and the
palm sectors. Furthermore, he added that clusters of production would be
created in the five sub Divisions which will be managed by a local committee.
He used the ocassion to announce that some 40.000 chitted palm nuts will be
bought to set up nurseries in the coming months. Besides, he also called on the
fons of Donga Mantung Division to allocate land for the creation of the
clusters which will also provide jobs for the youths. Through this method Dr.
Fuh Calistus said that Donga Mantung farmers will add value to what they
produce as well stimulate the imminent creatioon of an agro industrial zone.
“If Government created the Ndu Tea plantation, it is because we have the
potentials and if Government created the Dumbu Cattle Ranch, it is also because
we have the potentials”. Accordingly, he continued that Donga Mantung will
become an industial powerhouse in the country producing, transforming and
commercializing several quality produce ranging from palm oil to grid, starch
and dairy products.
On his part the Secretary
General of FAINAP, Adamu Musa used the opportunity to extend a motion of thanks
to H. E President Paul Biya for reappointing Dr. Fuh Calistus in a strategic
ministry during the cabinet reschuffle that took place last October 2, 2015. To
Adamu Musa, the project has kick-started the Donga Mantung industrial
revolution. “We shall also take the advantage of the strategic position of
Donga Mantung Division vis-a-vis our giant frontier neigbour, Nigeria”. On how
the project will get its funding to carryout this vast vision, Adamu Musa was
categorical that the successes of the FAINAP will attract goovernment and many
international funding organization to provide assistance for the sustainability
of the project. He expressed gratitude to Dr. Fuh Calistus for his innovative
ideas who has generously done his part and “ the ball is in our court. The big
question now is shall we make or mar”?
Another speaker Ruth Ali Eno
thrilled the population with her expertise in project management and the
expected results of the project. While Mabu Finian handled the commercial and
transformation part given his wide experience in East Africa in working for a
similar project.
Another key point at the
launching ceremony was the handing of the belated “Lifetime Achievement Award”
of The Eye Newspaper to H.E Dr. Fuh Calistus who was absent at the August 31,
2015 award ceremony in Nkambe. In a brief statement the Secretary of the Jury,
Nji Ignatius and Samba Kingsley numerated some of the projects initiated by Dr.
Fuh Calitus such as the African Model village, Gent Fund, the Scholarship Fund,
the Misaje Business Initiative etc. They said it was not by error that he was
voted to recieve this prestigious recognition. “This is a spur for you to do
more”, Nji Ignatius said.
It should be noted that over
60 traditional rulers attended the launching ceremony in Nkambe.
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)
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