
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

COP21: France to Suport Renewal Energy in Africa, Hollande Says

French President Francois Hollande said life itself was at stake as he gave the opening speech of a UN
climate conference on Monday in Paris. Addressing the over 150 heads of states at the Paris Summit, Francios Hollande said "Never have the stakes of an international meeting been so high because it concerns the future of the planet, the future of life. The hope of all of humanity rests on all of your shoulders." The most interesting is that French government also pledged to support Africa with 2 billion euros to foster the use of renewal energy in Africa up till 2020. 
Africa, it should be noted would suffer the effects of climate change more than any other continent due to the high level of poverty.

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. (The 2014 Bloggies Finalist)

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