
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Eric Awudu Led Team Puts CAMITEX No 1 Manufacturer of Utility Poles

Benoît Laibe and Jean Charles Sbuttoni( European Engineering Consultants in wooden utility poles) have endowed CAMITEX with the latest technologies in wooden utility poles. The visiting experts have trained the Eric Awudu led dynamic production team at CAMITEX to establish Camitex International Corporation as the number one manufacturer of wooden utility poles in Central & West Africa. With the training and installation of new technologies, indicators are rife at that CAMITEX is actually offering best quality, most durable poles at affordable prices; in a bid to curb the constant breaking and falling of wooden poles used for telecom and electricity transmission across Cameroon & CEMAC.
Talking to this reporter, Eric Awudu revealed that Camitex has reached a milestone that places them as the largest manufacturer of top quality treated Wooden Utility Poles in West & Central Africa. He added that the installation of the first Full Automation Treatment Plant of CAMITEX Douala is the first in the Sub region to carryout treatment processes that succeeds each other automatically through a computerized system. The European Engineering Consultant he added just finished training that makes CAMITEX capable of treating poles at more affordable and most reliable conditions that can last for 20 - 30 years
CAMITEX it should be noted has invested in the latest technologies to ensure durability & reliability of wooden poles used for electrification projects across CEMAC Zone.

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