
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Why Maraleaks (Marafa) is Making Biya Regime to Tremble

People are always afraid of the unknown because they do not know, which direction change can take. Marafa Hamidou Yaya is well known by the regime and its members, yet he remains greatly unknown an unpredictable given his recent activities and gesticulations since the day he was arrested. The issue that is making the regime to tremble is the fact that Marafa was so closed to power for long and has the secret documents and all protocol agreements between Cameroon and other nation states. He can decide to make public this secret dealings and this will greatly discredit the present regime. Like in his first letter, Marafa clearly indicated his closeness with the Head of State, giving away the idea that he was the person managing Cameroon while the Head of State was just a bureaucrat. This does not augur well for the regime. Another issue is that Marafa had longed prepared himself to succeed Biya as per the revelations in his letters. And any person who has such ambitions must have contacted, contracted and confirmed national and foreign assistance. The regime is trembling because it does not know the expanse of Marafa’s influence. That is who is supporting him where, how and to what extend? Members of the regime are trembling because Marafa is alleged to have serious international support which he can rely on to topple the present regime. This thesis is supported by the fact that prior to the 2011 Presidential elections Marafa was cited as a candidate of some foreign countries. The regime actually believed so as per his first letter where he said the Head of State asked the Director of Civil Cabinet to inquire whether he,  Marafa was to stand against him the Head of State in the October 2011 Presidential election.
Added to this are the revelations Marafa is making. The regime is trembling because Marafa is not only exposing the corrupt nature of the regime in place but is pointing accusing fingers on some government ministers that are still serving, for being responsible for most of the mishaps of Cameroon. This is why some ministers are quick to chastise Marafa in a bid to dissuade him from publishing more state secrets. They are afraid that he might call their names as those who were planning with him the after-Biya succession. Unfortunately, those who are against Marafa’s letters are not providing alternatives to the population that is anxious to know how Cameroon is governed. Equally, the regime is dodging away from the issues raised by Marafa in his letters, thus creating more suspicion in the minds of the public and attracting sympathy for him.
For instance the management of petroleum revenue in Cameroon has always remained a state secret. And the regime is afraid that Marafa who was Board chair of the National Hydrocarbon Company, SNH can spill the beans and attract a public disapproval of the underhand methods of the regime and its barons on the management of petroleum revenue.  How are people recruited in SNH, how much does petrol contribute to the national budget are questions on the lips of most  Cameroonians and Marafa may provide the answers, a thing the regime is afraid of.
 As regards the Albatross, Marafa has cited the names of the people who are supposed to be held responsible for embezzling the tax payers money meant for the purchase of the presidential aircraft. It is not only the revelation citing the names of those involved, including that of the Head of State that is disturbing but the fact that Marafa Hamidou Yaya can block the trial of the Albatross affair by refusing to cooperate with justice as he has started doing. This will be very embarrassing to the regime as many of the accused would have been unjustly detained.
In his fourth letter to the Head of State Marafa has indicated how money meant for the compensation of victims of the 1995 Boeing plane crash in Douala has been embezzled by members of government. This fourth letter has attracted some sympathy especially as Marafa has portrayed the pathetic life style of some victims of that plane crash. He has promised to publish in the days ahead money that was squandered to put CRTV on the satellite.
If the regime is panicky it is because they do not know exactly how far Marafa can go with his letters and the effect such letters will have on public opinion. And while the regime is trembling to the point of transferring Marafa to SED where it is expected he will no longer be able to publish other letters, Marafa’s supporters are enjoying the game, as Marafa is putting a regime he serve to task. When will members of the regime stop playing the Ostrich?

When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa

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