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Friday, August 30, 2013
September 30 Twin Election: Opinion Puts SDF 26 Councils, CPDM 6
By Cassiamandou
CPDM on the Bumpy Road in NW
As September 30, 2013 approaches, a latest opinion poll in the North West Region puts the Social Democratic Front-SDF ahead of the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement-CPDM. Political analysts on the other hand have opined that the CPDM will register a serious crash in Wum, Zhoa, Njikwa, Andek, Santa, Bali, Nwa, Ndop, Jakiri, Mbiame, Mbengwi, Nkor and Balikumbat council areas. This is so because of the poor output of the mayors as well as the party wrangling that has divided CPDM militants after the publication of the final list of aspiring councilors. Implicitly, the SDF will retain the Nkambe, Ndu, Belo, Njinikom, Fundong, Bamenda I, II & III, Bafut, Tubah, Nkum, Kumbo, Babessi council areas while the CPDM will triumph in, Bum, Misaje, Ako, Furu-awa, Widikum and Benakuma council areas.
Wum(Dinghabong Anthony versus Buh Sule)
The case of Wum council is so glaring given the poor output of Mayor Njukwe Charles and besides that he has been a perpetual absentee mayor. Popular opinion in Wum puts the SDF on a crushing win. Young and dynamic Dinghabong Anthony heads the CPDM list of 25 councilors while on the other side, it is Buh Sule who is heading SDF list. Yet Njukwe Charles doesn’t feature among the 25 selected CPDM councilors.
Zhoa (Embih Mathilda versus Geh Cyprian Ngum)
Zhoa Council on the other hand is also expected to sink with Hon. Nji Fidelis. More so, the uncompleted Bafmen water project further complicates things for the CPDM party. The CPDM list headed by Embih Mathilda will face SDF list headed by Geh Cyprian Ngum, yet popular opinion in Zhoa favours the SDF list. It should be noted that Zhoa Council has 35 councilors.
Njikwa (Wandum Bernard versus Abianji Lucas)
The mayor of Njikwa for example is little known and his results at the helm of the council have not been cheering. It is alleged that the mayor’s signature was suspended before the decision from MINATD suspending mayor’s signatures. Njikwa council for the past months was managed by the Divisional Officer. The former mayor not featuring on the list of 25 councilors is indicative. Popular opinion in Njikwa puts the SDF on the side of victory.
Andek( Awetua Samuel versus Amboufei Dianna)
Aghogho Johnny has been CPDM mayor for Andek for the past 6 years or so but yet his trappings have been doubted. He has been described as an absentee mayor and more so he was wrapped in the communal stamps scandal. Arrested, detained and later released public opinion indicates that the SDF will bank on these lapses to grab the 25 seats. The fact that the former mayor’s name doesn’t feature on the list of 25 councilors is indicative of an end of reign for the CPDM.
Santa (Clement Wankie versus Kan Elroy, versus Achu Mandi)
In 2007, the CPDM partook in the sharing of the Santa Council. This was thanks to the efforts of Zachuess Forjindam and JB Ndeh. Forjindam it should be noted bankrolled all the campaigns for the CPDM in 2007. With his arrest and detention, the chips are down for the CPDM. JB Ndeh alone cannot stand the weight of the SDF even though Kan Elroy is CPDM council list. Three political parties, SDF, CPDM and NUDP will be contesting for the 41 available seats. Whether the Santa council would be shared as was the case in 2007 has been aborted by popular opinion.
Bali (Wandum Bunga versus Galiba Joseph, versus Atsaa Godlove)
Raymond Nwayalla is the mayor of Bali Council, he was elected on July 27, 2007 given that SDF list was disqualified. With the SDF list accepted for the upcoming elections, three political parties will be competing for the 35 seats in Bali Council. Raymond Nwayalla has been up to the task even though his name doesn’t feature on the CPDM list yet trendy judgment holds that the CPDM will be crushed.
Nwa( Dr. Ngomfe versus Anthony Awunte)
In 2007, the CPDM won the Nwa council (41 seats). Yakabong John was elected mayor. He latter died and Dr. Ngomfe Loma David was elected to complete his term of office. Ngomfe’s trappings have been appreciated yet the CPDM is hunted by its own shadow. Public opinion in Nwa is favourable for the SDF as far as the council is concern. The CPDM may likely be beaten but will retain parliamentary seat especially as Mbem is likely to vote SDF for the council.
Ndop (Yah Cecilia versus Mero Nfuh)
In 2007, the CPDM won Ndop council (41 seats) thanks to the Yoyo-Tabali internal wrangling. Yet popular opinion in Ndop holds that the output of Ntoh Daniel as mayor has been mediocre. More so, the fact that Ntoh Daniel was wrapped in the communal stamp scandal whereby he was arrested and detained before was released further complicate election matters for the CPDM. The fact that CPDM militants are actually operating in diverse ranks has worsen the situation.
Jakiri (Jaff Sylvenus versus Jaff Romanus)
The CPDM won the Jakiri council thanks to the efforts deployed by late Christopher Nsahlai. With the demise of Nsahlai, the CPDM in Jakiri is like an orphan. Besides, the fact that Senator Emma Lafon and others ganged up to frustrate Hon. Wirngo’s bid to parliament has divided the CPDM into two factions. Hon. Wirngo’s loyalists have vowed to give CPDM a sanction vote thus giving the SDF the leeway to the council. Jaff Sylvenus is head of the CPDM list for Jakiri while Jaff Romanus is heading the SDF list. Jakiri council it should be noted has 35 councilors and since there are only two political parties, the possibilities of sharing are slim.
Mbiame (Fonyuy Fidelis versus Wirdzenyuy Celestine
Mbiame council has been under the CPDM yet public opinion is aghast with the mayor for being an absentee landlord. Shey Fidelis’s trappings have been underestimated by the population. Indicators are rife at that the SDF will march over by a simple majority. The CPDM for once has ignited preliminary synopsis of an imminent collapse. Even though Shey Fonyuy Fidelis is a financial guru, he may likely get a bitter lesson from Wirdzenyuy Celestine who is list leader for the SDF of 25 councilors.
Mbengwi(Chunga Patrick versus Edena Enih, versus Fonanih Jonas)
In 2007, the Mbengwi Council was shared between the SDF, CPDM and AFP. Even though the SDF mayor Tah George was napped in the communal saga, his trappings have been applauded. With Minister Ama Muna imposing candidates in Mbengwi, the 2007 victory over Hon. PC Fonso will be far-fetched. This is so given that PC Fonso was flushed out and a vibrant female candidate catapulted. Yet three political parties will face each others in the field. Popular opinion in Mbengwi is for SDF glorious win. However, a sharing could again emerge after the poll another school of thought holds.
Nkor (Forgwei Alfred versus Bambo Pius)
Mayor Shey Kume Michael’s trappings at the helm of Nkor council have been wonderful yet the CPDM in Nkor has been auctioned to the hawks due to internal wrangling. The wrangling between the mayor and the section President may likely hand the council to the SDF on a platter of gold. Public opinion in Nkor holds that if the two could have a genuine reconciliation the CPDM may carry the day, yet another school holds that the disagreement between the two bigwigs jeopardized development project, a case in point being the construction of the Council Chamber. For CPDM to win in Nkor, they should be genuine reconciliation.
Balikumbat( Musi Eveline versus Yivah Alfred)
Balikumbat has been the bastion of the CPDM thanks to HRH Fon Doh Gah Gwanyin. The CPDM will rape the fruits of dismay as the kingpin is no more. Mayor Awasum’s involvement in the communal stamp saga has compounded issues for the CPDM opinion polls dictate. But this would be a serious challenge for Senator Dingha Ignatius and Hon. Banmi to demonstrate that they could fit in Fon Doh’s political shoes. It should be recalled that Balikumbat council has 31 seats.
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa
Ebang Samuel Njumbe: Pictogram of Hard Work
By Comfort Beri
One famous philosopher once wrote that “if a man could mount to Heaven and survey the mighty universe, his admiration of its beauty would be much diminished unless he had some to share in his pleasure”. This clearly indicates that life harbors a vacuum and great people can only be identified when they interact in society. In other words, many people in society are just stage decorations while those who work hard in life stage the property to excellence. In fact what keeps the world intact is trust and society is so multifaceted that we are becoming short of trustworthy people. Yet it is not a given to have trustworthy people. However, some people have been able to lead a life that is exemplary. Ebang Samuel Njumbe alias Sango is one of those persons with a prolific slate. He is a man of a specific class and stands out clear in the madding crowd. Born in Tombel of Kupe Mwanenguba, young attended his primary in Nkikih in Bangem where he obtained his First School Leaving Certificate. In 1992, he moved to Saint Joseph’s Sasse College. As a young as he was, he did his best to catch up with education. Not that he was dull in book work but financially he lacked sponsorship. Haven succeeded to go to form II; he finally left Sasse because of lack money to pay school fees. To him, fate was a guide and he believed that one’s downfall can equally be the beginning of his break-through. Equally, young Njumbe had the belief that until you are once frustrated, you can never fulfill your mission on earth. He then decided to engage himself in farm work. He later got married and had three children. Having the conviction that truly there can never be a change until there is challenge, his elder brother Njumbe Martin, whom he worked in the farm to support his education at the University of Yaounde encouraged him to go back to Sasse College. In 1980, the young father of three went back to Sasse college and this time in form four. At that time his classmates had graduated from the University and were teaching in the same school. The unpaid fees he owed before leaving Sasse in 1973 were thrown off in sympathy by the principal. in complicity with some teachers, Ebang Samuel Njumbe registered the GCE Ordinary levels in four papers and finally passed in three with very good grades. He returned back to Tombel with the determination to succeed in life. Through his farm work, he raised money to set up a second hand bookshop to support desperate students and also preparing for any public service examination as a short-cut to success. Encouraged by the notion that “your destiny determines your value and even experience is what leads you to have what you need”, Njumbe Samuel in 19983 succeeded to enter the public service through a public service examination in the treasury department. After receiving training in the Ministry of Finance on public accounting and nomenclatures, he was transferred to the provincial treasury in Bamenda. He was in 1985 appointed as Chief of Bureau local councils and public establishments at the then provincial treasury in Bamenda, a post he held for three years. In 1988, Ebang Samuel Njumbe was appointed and sent to Donga Mantung Division as Chief of Service for Local Council and Public Establishments at the Divisional treasury in Nkambe, a position he held for eight years. And in 1996, he was appointed in dual capacities as the sub treasurer and municipal treasurer for Ako/ interim municipal and sub treasurer for Misaje. In 1997, he was transferred to Ngie in Momo Division in the same capacity. And on March 11, 2005, Ebang Samuel Njumbe was transferred back to Ako where he is still in service. Besides, he is the proprietor of Hotel Bakassi in Ako, Donga Mantung Division. Ebang Samuel Njumbe was voted by readers of The Eye Newspaper as the best sub Treasurer for Donga Mantung Division. In fact his life story is a lesson that teaches us that it is bad to fail but it is worst never to have tried to succeed, for failure is only an opportunity for more intelligent beginning and also it is sure that you can be a blessing if you work hard in life. Life as they say is a fleeing mystery and so too is society. And only those who get up early in the morning with a vision will succeed.
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa
Ebang Samuel Njumbe |
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa
Meet Ngum Jerome The Award Winning Mayor of Elak-Oku
By Fai Cassian
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa
Ngum Jerome: The Award Winning Mayor |
One of the major challenges and debate nationwide has been the capability of some elected officials to tackle development process in their sphere of influence. The mayor of Elak-Oku Council, Ngum Jerome has been able to delineate that politics is development and that alleviating poverty and miseries in rural areas is precedence of priority that makes politics and development bedmates.
Life, they say is a combination of trials and tribulations but great people look beyond trials and tribulations. They look beyond the horizon that appears to be the end of the world and see other opportunities that nobody imagines can exist. And their interested act of dreaming, acting and realizing the dreams have positive multiplier effect on society. This is because they are born with talent and to make things happen, they combine talent with hard work and determination. The very essence rural development is that you need to have vision since you can’t blow an uncertain trumpet. Nevertheless, innovation distinguishes between a great politician and a charlatan.
Ngum Jerome is the Mayor of Elak-Oku in Bui Division. For the past six years, he has taken the development to the doorsteps of his people. But unlike ordinary visionaries who see far and remain on their original position, Ngum Jerome did wait for things to happen for his municipality. As a great lobbyist, he lobbied and obtained financial support from FEICOM, PNDP, GP DERUDEP and other partners in development to achieve his vision. The most interesting thing about this innovation mayor who was voted by readers of The Eye Newspaper as the Best of the Best in Bui Division has rumbles of serious innovative ideas that have kept afloat all development initiatives. For these reasons, Ngum Jerome is succeeding where others have fumbled, stumbled and tumbled over.
Rudyard Kipling, one of the finest English writers once said that “if you can keep your head when all around you are losing theirs and if you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat the two the same, yours is earth and everything that is in it”. This is a straightforward reality and in fact there is no doubt that Rudyard Kipling had this inspiration from the obstacles and barriers we often crush to get to prominence. In our contemporary society this statement could only be referred to one person, Ngum Jerome Njiloh, the Mayor of Elak Oku.
What is important about this award winning mayor is that he is innovative, down to earth and fertile in expedients. He falls within the ranks of the new breed of politicians born with extra abilities to surmount all sorts of barrier to emerge successful. If we go by Albert Einstein who declared that genius is 1/10 inspiration and 9/10 perspiration, Ngum Jerome is a genius. This means that for somebody to be termed a genius that person must be a workaholic. In this light, Ngum Jerome Njiloh merits to be mentioned first among development luminaries if not the story of North West politicians will remain unfinished. What is so interesting about this pragmatic mayor is that he has done extraordinary things in a very common way.
If has become a celebrity it is because he is doing extraordinary things and he is entering history books in great names: Meet him for a discussion then you will discover you have met an honest intellectual. The courage and the frankness he expresses tell you that he was naturally born a workaholic. It is this frankness, hard work and determination that have made him the most admired man of all men in action.
The Great Politician
John Quincy Adams says that if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. Ngum Jerome is a politician with exceptional leadership qualities. Being a great support of President Biya and the CPDM, his actions are litmus test of what a politician ought to be. He is a shoulder on whom Prime Minister Yang Philemon would lean to pass the ideologies of the CPDM to his Constituency given that he masters grassroots politics and is constantly in the field. And since the final test of a politician is that he/she leads the young as their role model. Ngum Jerome is actually the role model who doesn’t talk about development politics in speeches but puts them into practice. In getting to where he is today and especially excelling in local politics, he toiled labourously to transform President Biya’s vision into concrete reality. That is why today he is building common frontiers for all segments of society. In doing this, he followed the principle outlined by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow that ‘heights by great “men” reached and kept were not obtained by sudden flight but, while their companies slept, they were toiling upward in the night’. As the CPDM Mayor elected in 2007, he could have decided like others to do the simple things, but because he believes like Lance Armstrong that ‘greatness is not a measure of how great you are but of how great others came to be because of you’, he decided embark on the disenclavement of his municipality using politics as a tool. Putting politics and development in one basket to sermonize the ideologies of the CPDM has put him into the minds of all and sundry. That is why as a pragmatic politician he is loved, admired and cherished by the poor and lowly in the municipality, the middle class and the rich without any barriers. Today, he is scoring high for the CPDM because of that firm choice.
What makes him the shinning political icon in the eyes of his people is that he is a politician with a vision who acts promptly. Vision and action are two cardinal ingredients for success and as the Japanese proverb hold: ‘vision without action is daydream; Action without vision is nightmare’. He neither daydreams nor entertains nightmares. This is because of his zeal to recreate passing through politics and knowing like Abraham Lincoln who once said that ‘the best way to predict the future is to create it’; Ngum Jerome puts into CPDM vision the necessary ingredients that make him to succeed.
The Result-oriented Mayor
As September 30 approaches, one of the major challenges that some elected official will face will be to present their stewardship to the population. But Ngum Jerome on the contrary would be hailed for being result oriented at the helm of Elak-Oku Council. From Mbam to Jikijem, down to Ebai, every community in the municipal has something to be proud of. For being a mark of difference in the fight against poverty, Ngum Jerome’s legacies ranges from the provision of potable water to construction of classrooms, market sheds, slaughter houses, community halls, health centers, farms to market roads, etc. In fact Ngum Jerome has proven exceptionally that his being there at the helm of the Elak Oku Council was by merit and not a favour. He established a program aimed at supporting local initiatives and projects that are geared towards sustainable development. From all practical demonstrations, he is going into history books in big names: the development luminary, promoter of sustainable development, Best Mayor etc…Ever since he became mayor, the administrative account of the council has registered sanity and has also risen. Elak council area is the largest and most populated as per the last census, yet Ngum Jerome has generated the best results in the region.
Infrastructure Development: Priority of Priorities
Developing farms to market roads and linking villages to villages was one of the major axes of the Elak Council under Ngum Jerome from 2007. In collaboration with GP DERUDEP and FEICOM has been able to develop and open the highest number of earth roads in the North West Region. The council also adopted an approach to stimulate community work by villages on road maintenance. This new approach ignited the council to empower road maintenance committees of some with basic road maintenance tools made up of spades, wheelbarrows, digging axes etc we learnt from a young man along the Oku-Noni Road. The construction of the Tolon-Balu road from HIPC Funds as well as the bridge over river Mii.
In order to restyle Oku town, the council also carried out maintenance and rehabilitation work on a number of streets. Taking into consideration the construction of the Elak Council Chamber at the old market, there was the need to give the site more visibility.
Ngum Jerome Njiloh, the council lobbied and obtained funds from FEICOM for the construction of a Council Chamber to accommodate all the council services. Elak Council became the first in Bui Division to put up a befitting Council Chamber which enabled council services to move from the old building to a befitting structure. The Council Chamber is one of the numerous legacies of Ngum Jerome at the helm of the Elak Oku Council that always attracts the admiration. Moving the council from an obscured location to it present site according to Ngum Jerome has helped to bring municipal services closer to the population. Oku council under Ngum Jerome also embarked on providing marketing avenues in the municipality. The construction of sales points and market sheds in the have been cited among some of the projects whose impact is tremendous on the population.
The construction of bridges and culverts were also part of Elak Council’s priorities, such as the bridge over Ketume have disenclaved the municipality. The construction of classrooms through FEICOM, PNDP and GP DERUDEP support has resulted to an improvement in pupils and students performances. Under Ngum Jerome, every village and quarter has a good testimony of his work.
Improving Access to Potable Water
Before taking over the council, one of the major problems in the municipality was the scarcity of water. To Ngum Jerome, keeping the population without potable water was not safe at all especially at a point in time much is being talked about cholera.
With the collaboration of the government and development partners some giant water schemes were constructed to serve three communities in the municipality.
Promoting Sustainable Development through Mini Agro-pastoral shows
Elak Council generates more than 75% of its revenue from the buying and selling of agricultural and livestock produce as well as Non Timber Forest Products-NTFPs (honey). The most interesting thing about Elak Council is that with Ngum Jerome, the promotion of agricultural, forestry and livestock produce is primordial. This could not leave the council indifference in promoting these activities. Since 2007, the Elak Council has made the farmer’s jamboree a yearly event. It council sponsors the show every year as a way for farmers to share ideas, knowledge and experiences. And at the end, distinguished farmers are awarded prizes and certificates as a way to stimulate growth and perfection. To the mayor, the best way to go industrial is to promote the agro-pastoral and apicultural sectors. Through the show, the best speculations in the municipality are promoted and awarded compensation for hard work.
The scope of intervention of the Elak Council in the fight against poverty and promoting sustainable development, the mayor acknowledges that in providing assistance to beneficiaries as indicated above, “ we take into consideration the needs of the concerned and it should be an ongoing project that it impact will reach the entire community or village”.
Life, they say is a combination of trials and tribulations but great people look beyond trials and tribulations. They look beyond the horizon that appears to be the end of the world and see other opportunities that nobody imagines can exist. And their interested act of dreaming, acting and realizing the dreams have positive multiplier effect on society. This is because they are born with talent and to make things happen, they combine talent with hard work and determination. The very essence rural development is that you need to have vision since you can’t blow an uncertain trumpet. Nevertheless, innovation distinguishes between a great politician and a charlatan.
Ngum Jerome is the Mayor of Elak-Oku in Bui Division. For the past six years, he has taken the development to the doorsteps of his people. But unlike ordinary visionaries who see far and remain on their original position, Ngum Jerome did wait for things to happen for his municipality. As a great lobbyist, he lobbied and obtained financial support from FEICOM, PNDP, GP DERUDEP and other partners in development to achieve his vision. The most interesting thing about this innovation mayor who was voted by readers of The Eye Newspaper as the Best of the Best in Bui Division has rumbles of serious innovative ideas that have kept afloat all development initiatives. For these reasons, Ngum Jerome is succeeding where others have fumbled, stumbled and tumbled over.
Rudyard Kipling, one of the finest English writers once said that “if you can keep your head when all around you are losing theirs and if you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat the two the same, yours is earth and everything that is in it”. This is a straightforward reality and in fact there is no doubt that Rudyard Kipling had this inspiration from the obstacles and barriers we often crush to get to prominence. In our contemporary society this statement could only be referred to one person, Ngum Jerome Njiloh, the Mayor of Elak Oku.
What is important about this award winning mayor is that he is innovative, down to earth and fertile in expedients. He falls within the ranks of the new breed of politicians born with extra abilities to surmount all sorts of barrier to emerge successful. If we go by Albert Einstein who declared that genius is 1/10 inspiration and 9/10 perspiration, Ngum Jerome is a genius. This means that for somebody to be termed a genius that person must be a workaholic. In this light, Ngum Jerome Njiloh merits to be mentioned first among development luminaries if not the story of North West politicians will remain unfinished. What is so interesting about this pragmatic mayor is that he has done extraordinary things in a very common way.
If has become a celebrity it is because he is doing extraordinary things and he is entering history books in great names: Meet him for a discussion then you will discover you have met an honest intellectual. The courage and the frankness he expresses tell you that he was naturally born a workaholic. It is this frankness, hard work and determination that have made him the most admired man of all men in action.
The Great Politician
John Quincy Adams says that if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. Ngum Jerome is a politician with exceptional leadership qualities. Being a great support of President Biya and the CPDM, his actions are litmus test of what a politician ought to be. He is a shoulder on whom Prime Minister Yang Philemon would lean to pass the ideologies of the CPDM to his Constituency given that he masters grassroots politics and is constantly in the field. And since the final test of a politician is that he/she leads the young as their role model. Ngum Jerome is actually the role model who doesn’t talk about development politics in speeches but puts them into practice. In getting to where he is today and especially excelling in local politics, he toiled labourously to transform President Biya’s vision into concrete reality. That is why today he is building common frontiers for all segments of society. In doing this, he followed the principle outlined by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow that ‘heights by great “men” reached and kept were not obtained by sudden flight but, while their companies slept, they were toiling upward in the night’. As the CPDM Mayor elected in 2007, he could have decided like others to do the simple things, but because he believes like Lance Armstrong that ‘greatness is not a measure of how great you are but of how great others came to be because of you’, he decided embark on the disenclavement of his municipality using politics as a tool. Putting politics and development in one basket to sermonize the ideologies of the CPDM has put him into the minds of all and sundry. That is why as a pragmatic politician he is loved, admired and cherished by the poor and lowly in the municipality, the middle class and the rich without any barriers. Today, he is scoring high for the CPDM because of that firm choice.
What makes him the shinning political icon in the eyes of his people is that he is a politician with a vision who acts promptly. Vision and action are two cardinal ingredients for success and as the Japanese proverb hold: ‘vision without action is daydream; Action without vision is nightmare’. He neither daydreams nor entertains nightmares. This is because of his zeal to recreate passing through politics and knowing like Abraham Lincoln who once said that ‘the best way to predict the future is to create it’; Ngum Jerome puts into CPDM vision the necessary ingredients that make him to succeed.
The Result-oriented Mayor
As September 30 approaches, one of the major challenges that some elected official will face will be to present their stewardship to the population. But Ngum Jerome on the contrary would be hailed for being result oriented at the helm of Elak-Oku Council. From Mbam to Jikijem, down to Ebai, every community in the municipal has something to be proud of. For being a mark of difference in the fight against poverty, Ngum Jerome’s legacies ranges from the provision of potable water to construction of classrooms, market sheds, slaughter houses, community halls, health centers, farms to market roads, etc. In fact Ngum Jerome has proven exceptionally that his being there at the helm of the Elak Oku Council was by merit and not a favour. He established a program aimed at supporting local initiatives and projects that are geared towards sustainable development. From all practical demonstrations, he is going into history books in big names: the development luminary, promoter of sustainable development, Best Mayor etc…Ever since he became mayor, the administrative account of the council has registered sanity and has also risen. Elak council area is the largest and most populated as per the last census, yet Ngum Jerome has generated the best results in the region.
Infrastructure Development: Priority of Priorities
Developing farms to market roads and linking villages to villages was one of the major axes of the Elak Council under Ngum Jerome from 2007. In collaboration with GP DERUDEP and FEICOM has been able to develop and open the highest number of earth roads in the North West Region. The council also adopted an approach to stimulate community work by villages on road maintenance. This new approach ignited the council to empower road maintenance committees of some with basic road maintenance tools made up of spades, wheelbarrows, digging axes etc we learnt from a young man along the Oku-Noni Road. The construction of the Tolon-Balu road from HIPC Funds as well as the bridge over river Mii.
In order to restyle Oku town, the council also carried out maintenance and rehabilitation work on a number of streets. Taking into consideration the construction of the Elak Council Chamber at the old market, there was the need to give the site more visibility.
Ngum Jerome Njiloh, the council lobbied and obtained funds from FEICOM for the construction of a Council Chamber to accommodate all the council services. Elak Council became the first in Bui Division to put up a befitting Council Chamber which enabled council services to move from the old building to a befitting structure. The Council Chamber is one of the numerous legacies of Ngum Jerome at the helm of the Elak Oku Council that always attracts the admiration. Moving the council from an obscured location to it present site according to Ngum Jerome has helped to bring municipal services closer to the population. Oku council under Ngum Jerome also embarked on providing marketing avenues in the municipality. The construction of sales points and market sheds in the have been cited among some of the projects whose impact is tremendous on the population.
The construction of bridges and culverts were also part of Elak Council’s priorities, such as the bridge over Ketume have disenclaved the municipality. The construction of classrooms through FEICOM, PNDP and GP DERUDEP support has resulted to an improvement in pupils and students performances. Under Ngum Jerome, every village and quarter has a good testimony of his work.
Improving Access to Potable Water
Before taking over the council, one of the major problems in the municipality was the scarcity of water. To Ngum Jerome, keeping the population without potable water was not safe at all especially at a point in time much is being talked about cholera.
With the collaboration of the government and development partners some giant water schemes were constructed to serve three communities in the municipality.
Promoting Sustainable Development through Mini Agro-pastoral shows
Elak Council generates more than 75% of its revenue from the buying and selling of agricultural and livestock produce as well as Non Timber Forest Products-NTFPs (honey). The most interesting thing about Elak Council is that with Ngum Jerome, the promotion of agricultural, forestry and livestock produce is primordial. This could not leave the council indifference in promoting these activities. Since 2007, the Elak Council has made the farmer’s jamboree a yearly event. It council sponsors the show every year as a way for farmers to share ideas, knowledge and experiences. And at the end, distinguished farmers are awarded prizes and certificates as a way to stimulate growth and perfection. To the mayor, the best way to go industrial is to promote the agro-pastoral and apicultural sectors. Through the show, the best speculations in the municipality are promoted and awarded compensation for hard work.
The scope of intervention of the Elak Council in the fight against poverty and promoting sustainable development, the mayor acknowledges that in providing assistance to beneficiaries as indicated above, “ we take into consideration the needs of the concerned and it should be an ongoing project that it impact will reach the entire community or village”.
Assault on Hon. Awudu's Wife and Market Master: Fru Ndi Petitions to Biya on Terror in Nkambe
FC Junior

Donga Mantung SDO Puts Promoters of Party Militia to Task, Warns
The Senior Divisional for Donga Mantung Division in the North West Region has warned against the creation of party militia in the Division. Addressing political stakeholders against the backdrop of the Wat incident where Mary Awudu Ngayi, (wife of Hon. Awudu) and the market master for Wat (Ngwayi Ivo alias Ajento Baba) were assaulted by CPDM militants, Ngone Ndodemesape Bernard made it clear that Donga Mantung is not fertile ground for party militias. He warned that anyone who takes the law into his/her hands or carries out jungle justice like was the case in Wat will have to be punished accordingly in conformity with the regulations in force. Harping on the Wat incident where some individual took the law into their hands, Donga Mantung SDO warned that Nkambe is already having a bad image because of that incident. On the security measures, the SDO revealed that all drinking spots (beer parlours, sha houses and fiang drinking spots) shall be closed at certain hours of the night adding that routine patrols shall ensure it strict respect. He emphasized that peace must reign in Donga Mantung before, during and after the September 30, Municipal and Legislative Elections reechoed the need for peaceful co-existence and political tolerance. He catapulted the media for it role in sensitizing the population on the distribution of voters’ cards. Responsible journalism, the SDO observed should be the menu of media practitioners in Donga Mantung Division. He also warned that political parties shouldn’t us traditional rulers as political tools. As September 30, approaches, he ordered that all the political parties must obtained a declaration from the competent authorities before organizing any rally.
Of Political Gangsterism and Party Militia
A Joint Sub Section Conference of the CPDM which took place Wat Market Square has entered into records as the darkness corner in politics in Nkambe Central. This is so because it was transformed into a boxing ring. The story goes that CPDM militants had chosen the market shed constructed by Hon. Awudu Mbaya and handed to the council as the avenue of the meeting without permission from neither the mayor nor the market master. Early that morning, CPDM militants transformed the market shed into a grandstand, upon getting the information that the beans market has been transformed into a political rally ground, the mayor of Nkambe Mangoh Jones Tanko stormed the market. He was accompanied by the wife of the Member of Parliament and four others. When Mangoh Jones Tanko , Mary Awudu and four others stormed the market arguing that the market shed is not a grandstand, CPDM militants resisted, brandishing a declaration with two round stamps that the document was signed by the supervisory authority. In the course of the arguments, Chifu David Ngenge alias Simple DNC, intervened and it degenerated to him slapping Mary Awudu. Tempers are said to have flared after the incident. Upon arrival on the scene the 2nd Assistant SDO for Donga Mantung Div. called on Musa Shey Nfor, aspiring CPDM councilor for Ngwanri village and Waka Emmanuel, CPDM aspiring councilor for Mbaah, who allegedly refused that they were not the ones who selected neither the avenue nor those who declared the rally to the administration. It is even alleged that the declaration that was brandished was fake given that in no circumstance should such a document carry two round stamps. Manshang Nicholas immediately ordered the CPDM to quit the market shed given that they were disturbing public peace as well as the market women who were selling beans. Ajento Baba, the market master for Wat told this reporter that the incident has disturbed him from collecting revenue. Mami Brigette Yaah from Mbanka said she brought 10 buckets of beans, but could only sell 2. Mariama Mbibu says she sold only 1 bucket out of 3 buckets she brought to the market. Mary Awudu said that she was annoyed because the market shed was constructed for women to sell beans and not to host political rallies. It should be noted that it is thanks to that market shed that a beans market was created in Wat. According to what we gathered, buyers who usually come from far off areas like Bamenda, Kumbo and Douala were scared. Talking to this reporter, Musa Shey Nfor said that the incident took place when he had left the market. Many have been questioning the lesson that some of these politicians are passing to the youths as politics has been transformed into a sinkhole. Majority of the CPDM militants who spoke to this reporter condemned the act of slapping somebody’s wife and a mother for that matter. However, Barr. Chifu Ngenge David is quoted to have told Radio Danbaturi that he was provoked by Mary Awudu who gave him the first slap, held him by the tie and that for the past years he had received insults from her. Moreso, he also said that Mary Awudu once said that he (Chifu Ngenge David) was dismissed from the police because he was a bad element.
Ngwayi Ivo alias Ajento Baba is on hospital bed given that he almost gave off the ghost after receiving a snake beating from two CPDM militants. Ngwayi Ivo told this reporter that while at the toll gate, he was approach by Tangong Oliver alias young mayor; he accused him of having informed the mayor on the rally that was planned in the market. According to what Ngwayi Ivo told this on hospital bed, he said when he responded that he only did his job as a market master, one young man who was driving the car by name Nfor Awoh alias Nfor Jekaje came out of the car and gave him a dirty slap that landed him on the floor. He said he only recalled that Tangong Oliver kicked him on the head. “As for what happened to me, I cannot remember because I only discovered myself in a house lying”, he said. It is even alleged that Ngwayi Ivo may be transferred to Bafoussam hospital for the scanning of the head. Even though classified sources say the matter has been taken to court, public opinion in Nkambe is aghast with the laxity that the SDF party is handling the issue and many have questioned whether the law courts have closed. Anembom Munjo, SDF communication Secretary told journalists last weekend at the NEC meeting that the party has taken it stand on the issue and that SDF will make sure that justice prevail. “If you slap Hon. Awudu’s wife, then you have equally slapped him. This is not a joking matter”, Anembom reiterated. It is this act that the SDO for Donga Mantung has condemned as party militia, saying it won’t be tolerated.
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa
Ntumfor Nico Halle's Message of Peace at The Eye Newspaper
Fai Cassian Ndi
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Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle |
Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle, North West Peace Crusader cum CMF National President’s path to the attainment of the common good and to peace is above all that of respect for human life in all its many aspects, beginning with its conception, through its development and up to its natural end. The true peace crusader recently issued a message of Peace which was presented to Cameroonians in Nkambe during the 6th Anniversary of The Eye Newspaper/ National Award of Excellence. The message which was read to the crowd by Nfor Francis drew the attention of the people with the insinuations that: those who love defend and promote human life in all its dimensions, personal, communitarian and transcendent are agents of peace. In his message Ntumfor Barr. Nico Hall also urges that life in its fullness is the height of peace. To Ntumfor Barr. Nico Halle the many different efforts at peacemaking which abound testify to mankind’s innate vocation to peace. He called on every person put the desire for peace as an essential aspiration which coincides in a certain way with the desire for a full, happy and successful human life. In other words, the desire for peace corresponds to a fundamental moral principle, namely, the duty and right to an integral social and communitarian development, which is part of God’s plan for mankind. Man is made for the peace which is God’s gift.
All of this, he wrote led him to draw inspiration for the Message from the words of Jesus Christ: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Mt 5:9).
Ntumfor Barr. Nico Halle further emphasized in his message that “peace is the weapon of the strong, whereas violence is the weapon of the weak and stupid”. This statement he noted was coined “more than 20years ago to dissuade Fons and elite who were striving in violence and tribal conflict that had taken the North West Region hostage. You would agree with me that conflict situations have greatly reduced. Also the fight against’ Corruption and moral decadence’ has been for the past years my major focus given that resources that are meant for the common good of all have been systematically looted and plundered by a few unpatriotic Cameroonians. This fight should be by all Cameroonians if we must reverse the trend” he concluded
All of this, he wrote led him to draw inspiration for the Message from the words of Jesus Christ: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Mt 5:9).
Ntumfor Barr. Nico Halle further emphasized in his message that “peace is the weapon of the strong, whereas violence is the weapon of the weak and stupid”. This statement he noted was coined “more than 20years ago to dissuade Fons and elite who were striving in violence and tribal conflict that had taken the North West Region hostage. You would agree with me that conflict situations have greatly reduced. Also the fight against’ Corruption and moral decadence’ has been for the past years my major focus given that resources that are meant for the common good of all have been systematically looted and plundered by a few unpatriotic Cameroonians. This fight should be by all Cameroonians if we must reverse the trend” he concluded
Saturday, August 24, 2013
NEC Meeting: SDF Advocates for Justice Before, During and After Elections

It should be recalled that the National Executive Committee of the SDF is meeting after Supreme Court ignored and rejected petitions submitted by the SDF party. Today, August 24, would certainly enter into history books as the day the SDF took a stand on election matters. As Cameroonians await the final resolutions of NEC as to the decisions of the Supreme Court, sources say today's meeting will be stormy. Besides, classified sources also hinted that the assault on Madame Mary Awudu and Ngwayi Ivo by some CPDM militants in Nkambe will be one of the key points to be discussed. Pictures of Mary Awudu and Ngwayi Ivo we gathered were being paraded at NEC Meeting. The issue we have been informed is a hot potato in the hands of the administration as party militia takes Nkambe Central Hostage.
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa
Liberian news outlet shut down, publisher jailed
Nigeria, August 23, 2013--The Committee to Protect Journalists today condemns
moves by Liberian authorities to shut
down FrontPageAfrica and jail
its publisher for not paying US$1.5 million in damages related to a libel
down the offices citing a court order, pictured on FrontPageAfrica's
website, that said the offices would remain closed and publication cease until
the damages are paid in full. The website is registered in the United States,
not in Liberia, and is still publishing news.
FrontPageAfrica's publisher,
Rodney Sieh, was jailed on Wednesday after telling a judge that he was unable
to pay the damages owed to Chris Toe, a former government minister who had sued
Sieh, FrontPageAfrica, and Samwar Fallah, a reporter for the paper, for
libel three years ago. Toe sued
them for US$2 million in February 2010 after the paper reported the
findings of an official government inquiry
that accused Toe of corruption, according to news
reports. Toe resigned
from his government position and was never charged. In his complaint,
he said FrontPageAfrica's reports were libelous because he was never
convicted in court. He has denied all of the allegations against him.
February 2011, a court convicted Sieh,
FrontPageAfrica, and Fallah and ordered them to pay a total of US$1.5
million in damages and US$90,000 in court costs, Sieh told CPJ before he was
jailed. Sieh told CPJ that FrontPageAfrica could not afford to pay the
damages. Local journalists told CPJ that the heavy fine imposed was a
deliberate ploy to shut down the critical newspaper. FrontPageAfrica has
repeatedly reported on corruption, official misconduct, and human rights
Minister Lewis Brown said that Sieh had chosen to go to jail rather than "abide
by the court's ruling to pay," according to news
reports. Sieh has refused to eat or drink water since he was jailed, his
colleagues told CPJ. He will remain jailed until he pays the damages, according
to news reports.
excessive damages levied against FrontPageAfrica have all along been a
transparent ploy to shut down a newspaper that has gained international acclaim
for exposing corruption and official misconduct at the highest levels of the Liberian
government," said Peter Nkanga, CPJ's West Africa Consultant. "Rodney Sieh does
not deserve to spend a moment in prison, but if authorities would concentrate
on investigating and prosecuting corruption allegations, they might find
someone who does."
In 2011, the court denied
FrontPageAfrica's motion for retrial despite reports
of the jury being bribed.
Liberia's judiciary ranks as the third most corrupt Liberian government
institution, according to Transparency International's 2013 Global Corruption Barometer.
Liberia has a history of silencing press critics through libel lawsuits,
according to CPJ research.
July 16, 2013, the Supreme Court upheld the judgment against FrontPageAfrica,
saying that the appeal process had not been completed, Koffi Woods, lawyer for FrontPageAfrica,
told CPJ. Under Liberian law, an appeal can only be heard after the defendant
pays a bond of 2 percent of the total amount, Woods said. The lawyer said Sieh did
not have the money for the bond.
have not been able to find Fallah, who has resigned from FrontPageAfrica.
the newspaper is appealing the case before the ECOWAS Community Court of
Justice. The ECOWAS Community Court, which has jurisdiction to hear individual
complaints of alleged human rights violations, is the judicial
arm of the Nigeria-based Economic Community of West African States
(ECOWAS). The court's decisions are legally binding on ECOWAS member states,
which include Liberia.
- For more data and analysis, visit CPJ's Liberia page.
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa
Friday, August 23, 2013
Ahead September 30, Martin Fon Yembe Speaks Out
I write to extend my greetings to all my friends and those who don’t agree with me in one way or the other. I do so at a time my people of Ngarum in the Ndu Local Government Area have chosen me to represent
them at the forth-coming local elections in Ndu. I do so, believing that the prayers of two are better than that of one. I do so, conscious of the task we have to overcome the hurdles placed in our paths by the devil incarnate, the CPDM. I do so, with Psalm 119: vs 105 as my guide, God’s Word being the lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I do so based on Plato’s principle that “ One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”
I believe that each person must do their part. If some of us are unwilling to participate in elections, no matter how bad the laws are, all of us are going to suffer. I have the conviction that I too can contribute in the alleviation of the present precarious state of things in my community. Reason why I pray you put me in your prayers as I will be appreciating any ideas from you to help me and my community fly above the mountains
of troubles and tribulations. May God continue to bless and sustain you. To Him alone be the Glory.
them at the forth-coming local elections in Ndu. I do so, believing that the prayers of two are better than that of one. I do so, conscious of the task we have to overcome the hurdles placed in our paths by the devil incarnate, the CPDM. I do so, with Psalm 119: vs 105 as my guide, God’s Word being the lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I do so based on Plato’s principle that “ One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”
I believe that each person must do their part. If some of us are unwilling to participate in elections, no matter how bad the laws are, all of us are going to suffer. I have the conviction that I too can contribute in the alleviation of the present precarious state of things in my community. Reason why I pray you put me in your prayers as I will be appreciating any ideas from you to help me and my community fly above the mountains
of troubles and tribulations. May God continue to bless and sustain you. To Him alone be the Glory.
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa
Donga Mantung SDO Puts Promoters of Party Militias to Task, Warns
By Haruna Mohammed
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa
The Senior Divisional for Donga
Mantung Division in the North West Region of Cameroon has warned against the creation of party militia in the Division. Addressing political stakeholders against the backdrop of the
Wat incident where Mary Awudu Ngayi, (wife of Hon. Awudu) and the market master for Wat (Ngwayi Ivo alias Ajento Baba) were
assaulted by CPDM militants, Ngone Ndodemesape Bernard made it clear that Donga
Mantung is not fertile ground for party militias. He warned that anyone who
takes the law into his/her hands or carries out jungle justice like was the case in
Wat will have to be punished accordingly and that person will also face the rage of law courts. Harping on the Wat incident where some individual took the law into their hands, Donga Mantung SDO vomitted that Nkambe is already having a bad
image because of that incident. On the security measures, the SDO revealed that
all drinking spots (beer parlours, sha houses and fiang drinking spots) shall
be closed at certain hours of the night adding that routine patrols shall
ensure it strict respect. Harping on why peace must reign in Donga Mantung
before, during and after the September 30, Municipal and Legislative Elections,
Ngone Ndodemesape Bernard reiterated the need for peaceful co-existence and
political tolerance. The media was also
catapulted for it role in sensitizing the population on the distribution of
voters’ cards. Responsible journalism, the SDO observed should be the menu of
media practitioners in Donga Mantung Division. He also warned that political
parties shouldn’t us traditional rulers as political tools. As September 30,
approaches, security measures we gathered will be intensified with patrols in
notorious quarters of Nkambe.
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa
Monday, August 19, 2013
Women Threatening to Go Naked into the Street in Nkambe
The Manjus of Nkambe threatening to move naked to express their grievances to the administration and traditional rulers of Nkambe central. Information filtering into our desk indicates that the women are aghast following an incident that took place yesterday at Wat whereby one CPDM aspiring councilor, by name Barr. Chifu Ngenge David slapped Mary Awudu during a confrontation at Wat market square yesterday. The women about 25 in number are still waiting for their peers from other villages to stage the protest march. It should be recalled that Mary Awudu is Ma Manju and the fact that she was given a slap by an aspiring councilor is creating sensation and havoc. Nkambe central is actually in a mode of confusion and dark clouds loom large as young men and women are quoted to have vowed that if the administration doesn't take precautions the present stalemate may go out of hand.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Tempers Flare in Nkambe as CPDM Aspiring Councilor Assaults Mary Awudu
By FC Ndi
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa
Hatred, bitterness, exchange of blows and
revenge are luxuries some politicians of Donga Mantung Division are preparing
to offer as September 30, approaches. In Donga Mantung, especially Nkambe
central, hatred and bitterness is doing a great deal more damage on the
population than good. An incident took place today August 18, 2013 in Wat
village in Nkambe Central that has taken the administration of Donga Mantung
Division aback. Madame Mary Awudu Mbaya, wife of Hon. Awudu Mbaya received blows
from a CPDM aspiring councilor for Bongom by name Chifu Ngenge David alias
Simple DNC. The incident almost escalidated into a general fight, thank God
Mary Awudu cautioned the population not to interfere. There was commotion and
sensation today at Wat market square, infact if not of the timely intervention
of the 2nd Assistant Senior Divisional Officer for Donga Mantung
Division, Manshang Nicholas, there would have been chaos as youths trooped into Wat market from other village to defend Mary Awudu. Eyewitnesses say that
before youths from other villages started coming in as the news spread, those of Wat and other neigbouring villages were threatening to transform the market into a boxing ring in retaliation but
were stopped by the forces of law and order.
Politics they
say is a systematic organization of hatred. This statement is not only true to
itself in Nkambe and Ndu nowadays but has also demonstrated that it is very
precarious for political issues to be trusted in the hands of little school
boys who would go round to inflame hatred like wanton boys who kill flies for
sports. Those who had the opportunity to read Gulliver’s travels
would agree with this reporter that the Lilliputians are men six inches in
height but possessing all the pretension and self-importance of full-sized men.
They are mean and nasty, vicious, morally corrupt, hypocritical and deceitful,
jealous and envious, filled with greed and ingratitude.
The interesting
Lilliputian court customs can easily be compared to what is happening in Nkambe
right now whereby those seeking political office demonstrate their agility in
rope dancing depending on how long and how skillfully a candidate can dance
upon a rope. However, it is pathetic that intrigues, blackmail and slanders has
now generated into fighting. This is tragic yet but a kind of insane horror. With
politics haven transformed into a boxing ring, there is the looming dark cloud
which is horrifying. The essence of tragedy is not the doing of evil by evil
men but the doing of evil by good men, out of weakness, indecision, sloth,
inability to act in accordance with what they know to be right. What some of
these overzealous politicians do not understand is that hatred leads to great
bitterness, which ends up completely unproductive and especially when it is
patronized by people who holding public trust as a shelf or by those who are
looking forth at voters to give them their trust through votes. Hatred is gradually
becoming a poor travelling companion Nkambe causing imbalance and unhappiness.
Ahead of September 30, Municipal and
Legislative elections, the CPDM bigwigs of Nkambe had planned to organize a
Joint Section Conference at Wat Market Square. The only avenue they selected
was the market shed constructed by Hon. Awudu Mbaya. When the information
reached SDF militants they inquired from the Divisional Officer, the mayor and
even the market-master whether they had given permission for market women to
quit the shed. According to what we gathered, the answer was negative. Hon.
Awudu Mbaya’s wife, Mary Awudu and some local SDF local party officials stormed
the market arguing that the market shed is not a grandstand. When she removed
the robes that were tied round, Chifu David Ngenge, intervened and it
degenerated to him slapping her. Tempers are said to have flared after the
incident. Upon arrival on the scene the 2nd Assistant SDO for Donga
Mantung Div. called on Musa Shey Nfor, aspiring CPDM councilor for Ngwanri village
and Waka Emmanuel, CPDM aspiring councilor for Mbaah, who allegedly refused
that they were not the ones who selected neither the avenue nor those who
declared the rally to the administration. It is even alleged that no declaration was obtained from
the administration. Manshang Nicholas immediately ordered the CPDM to quit the
market shed given that they were disturbing public peace as well as the market. Ajento Baba, the
market master for Wat told this reporter that the incident has disturbed him
from collecting revenue. Mami Brigette Yaah from Mbanka said she brought 10
buckets of beans, but could only sell 2. Mariama Mbibu says she sold only 1 bucket
out of 3 buckets she brought to the market.Mary Awudu said that she was annoyed
because the market shed was constructed for women to sell beans and not to host
political parties. It should be noted that it is thanks to that market shed
that a beans market was created in Wat. According
to what we gathered, buyers who usually come from far off areas like Bamenda,
Kumbo and Douala were scared. Talking to this reporter, Musa Shey Nfor said that
the incident took place when he had left the market. Many have been questioning the lesson that
some of these politicians are passing to the youths as politics has been transformed
into a sinkhole.Majority of the CPDM militants who spoke to this reporter condemned the act of slapping somebody's wife and a mother for that matter. However, Barr. Chifu Ngenge David is quoted to have told Radio Danbaturi that he was provoked by Mary Awudu who gave him the first slap and that for the past years he had received insults from her. Moreso, he also said that Mary Awudu once said that he (Chifu Ngenge David) was dismissed from the police because he was a bad element.
It has also been confirmed that Ajento Baba, market master for Wat was taken to the Nkambe hospital in a pool of blood after he was allegedly attacked by some CPDM rascals. (we are still investigating into the matter).
It has also been confirmed that Ajento Baba, market master for Wat was taken to the Nkambe hospital in a pool of blood after he was allegedly attacked by some CPDM rascals. (we are still investigating into the matter).
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Land Grab: JB Ndeh Takes on El Hadj Baba Danpoullo
Fai Cassian Ndi
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa
The General Manager of the North West
Development Authority commonly known by its French Acronym as MIDENO has
decried attempts by El Hadj Baba Danpoullo (Ndawara) to grap land that owned by
the defunct Santa Coffee Estate, which has been placed under the custody of
MIDENO. Lamenting that the land has been earmarked for the production of seed
by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, JB Ndeh called on the
Governor of the North West Region to take all necessary measures to make sure
that no one trespasses on the said piece of land. He regretted that some
administrators who have connived to sell out state lands. It is common that
some individuals who think that they can do and undo have gone hell-wire to
auction state properties to individuals load their pockets. Brandishing a copy of a letter signed by the
head of state instructing the administration of the North West Region to make
sure that the said piece of land is given back to its rightful owner, MIDENO,
JB Ndeh continued that state shouldn’t be allowed in the whims and caprices of
some individuals because they are wealthy.
It was during the second quarter administrative and security
coordination meeting at Fundong in Boyo Division that JB Ndeh vomited the venom
on El Hadj Baba. It is even alleged that North West Governor on the spot
ordered that the Senior Divisional Officer for Boyo to look into the
acquisition of land in that Division.
Also on the firing line was the regional
Coordinator of the National Civic Service Agency for Participation in
Development. The distribution of grants to volunteers in the region was
questioned given that many had suspected foul play. The coordinator it is
alleged was instructed to forward to the services of the Governor’s office a
complete report on the distribution of grants in the region. More so, it is
aired in some areas, beneficiaries received less than 200.000 FCFA while in
other places the amount ranged from 250.000 FCFA to 500.000FCFA. Youths of
Donga Mantung Division we gathered were also victimized. Sources say that while
in other places youths were lodged and fed, in Donga Mantung Division,
beneficiaries had only one meal per day and they had to lodge themselves. It is
aired that the Regional Delegate pocketed all the money for lodging as well as
part of the funds allocated for feeding. Besides, beneficiaries of PART J-U and
PIFFMAS have never had access to funds allocated to them. With the closure of
FIFFA Bank, the situation has become more complicated as seemingly the money
ended in private pockets. It is alleged that CONAC is flying over the General Manager of the National Civic Programme and collaborators.
When News Breaks Out, We Break In. Minute by Minute Report on Cameroon and Africa
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