
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Meet Kwalar Helen Muyi: The Outstanding Teacher

Kwalar Helen Muyi

There are two categories of teachers. Those who joined teaching profession as a calling and those joined it because they needed to get into the public service.  Kwalar Helen, the Head teacher of Government Practicing School Binju in Nkambe Central is a teacher by calling. Meet her for a talk for the first time, and just from her voice you will understand that she is a refined teacher. Three simple things make her a good teacher. They are so simple, yet so tough to notice. The same qualities are found in a good principal, and a good high school or university teacher.
The question as to whether female teachers encourage girl education finds an answer in Kwalar Helen's abilities as an outstanding teacher in communities she taught. Her trappings as Head Teacher at GS Njap and now GS Binju have proven beyond reasonable doubts that putting more female teachers into school management positions and the classroom make the female teachers become positive role models to young girls. "Children have more need of models, than of critics" says Joubelt. In fact, what makes Kwalar Helen an outstanding role model teacher and head teacher is that she creates the conditions under which learning takes place. Though Primary Schools in Donga Mantung Division performed poorly at the 2016 First School Leaving Certificate examination, she was one of the few that stood out of the madding crowd with quantitative and qualitative results. One of the most gratifying aspects of a school teacher is measured in the knowledge children learn and what they produce as results.
Teaching is primary school can’t be any different and giving children a diverse range of role models and opportunities is one of the keys to success. Primary teachers work with children between the ages of three and eleven and are required to teach all of the subjects which are in the national curriculum, and Kwalar Helen has been doing it with a lot of dexterity.
Happy Teachers Day Madame

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